Chapter 16: Slipping Into The Lava

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A/N: Updating from my phone because my wattpad is being funny so sorry for any format issues!

"Why are we watching this?" I asked Hayley as we sat in front of the TV watching the British show she liked.
"Supernanny?" She replied with an incredulous look. "You don't like watching this British lady put spoilt kids in their place?"
"I'm gonna say a solid no." I answered with a laugh. "Although it does make me feel better knowing that I wasn't that bad of a child."
"Cathartic right?" She said in agreement.
I was about to reply to her when I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I yelped out in pain, instinctively placing my hand against my neck and pulling away with blood.
"Hayley! What did you do?" Rebekah asked furiously as she sped into the room.
"Nothing!" Hayley insisted.
"No, no it wasn't her." I corroborated.
"Then what was it?" Rebekah asked, clearly unnerved by my wound that had now healed.
"I don't know, but it felt like I was being..."
"Being what?" Hayley asked as I trailed off, concerned by the repercussions of my answer.
"Like I was being stabbed."
The three of us looked horrified as we came to the damning realisation that we had hopped out of the frying pan and straight into the fire. Rebekah's face suddenly firmed and she became steely in her resilience. The blonde got to her feet and held out a hand to me and a warm smile.
"You, love, need to lie down." She told me before turning to Hayley with a stern order. "Take her to her room and don't let anything happen to her, I'll go fix her something to eat."
Hayley nodded, she was trying to be strong, but I could tell that she was regretting staying here with me. The two of us headed to my room where I lay down on the bed waiting for Rebekah to come bring me food. Hayley sat at my bedside, holding my hand comfortingly.
"How you feeling?" She asked.
"I feel fine. Which is weird. I'm guessing it's Sophie related."
"Well do me a favour, don't die on my watch." She told me. "I wouldn't put it past Klaus to literally eat me."
"I'm sorry." I told her. "I know you didn't expect or even want any of this. And if you want, I can put you up somewhere else and—"
"No." Hayley said with a shake of her head. "No. I want to stay here with you. And the rest of the insane Mikaelson clan."
"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, I am." She said with a laugh. "I know they can be...unconventional. But I really see it. That familial bond. And I haven't seen that in a long time. And yeah, I've not known you long, but you took me in, when my own parents were okay with abandoning me. And...And..."
"You're my family too."
The two of us shared a relieved smile when Rebekah walked in with a large basket of apples in her hand and offered one to me.
"Time for the demon spawn to snack." She announced.
"You should not be saying that to your niece." I scolded playfully.
"Well, until you choose a name for her, that's how I'll refer to her." She said as she offered the apple to me again. "Take one."
"I actually hate apples." I told her causing her to frown.
"You had at least ten yesterday." She refuted.
"Yeah, I loved them yesterday and today I hate them." She continued to frown but I simply shrugged. "What can I say? Pregnancy cravings are weird."
"Well if she's not eating them..."
"Have at it." Rebekah said as she gave the basket to Hayley. "The plantation's lousy with them."
"I'll go make you a sandwich, unless you hate those now?" Rebekah questioned but I simply shook my head.
"I'm not hungry, Bex." I told her, she rolled her eyes with a smile before sitting down beside me.
"You know, I used to think you were a little wimp." Rebekah told me. "But seeing you deal with all this whilst being pregnant, I think you're one of the strongest people I've ever met."
"Aww, Bekah, are you going soft on me?" I teased, causing her to roll her eyes at me once again.
"I've learnt first impressions rarely ever stick." Hayley added.
"What was your first impression of me?" Bekah asked her.
"Oh, when I first met you, I thought you were a real bitch." She explained. "You tried to murder me."
"Don't take that to heart, she did the same to me." I told her.
"Well what changed your mind?" The blonde asked with a smile.
"Oh, I still think you're a bitch." Hayley corrected. "But I've grown to like that about you."
"That's sweet of you to say." Bekah said with a laugh before sobering up. "Remember that when I'm gone."
"Gone?" I asked in confusion. "Where are you going?"
"I only came to town to make sure everything was okay with Elijah. He's fine, and he hasn't punished Klaus for daggering him, so... as usual, they'll be thick as thieves, and I'll be left to clean up the mess." She explained with a depressive sigh. "It's time for me to fly the coop."
I picked up an apple to take a nervous bite out of, but before I could, I dropped it as I began to feel lightheaded and my head drooped.
"What's wrong?" Bekah asked frantically.
"I'm not sure." I replied. "Morning sickness maybe?"
Hayley placed her hand on my forehead and pulled away quickly, shaking her hand from the pain. "Iliana, you're burning up."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, comment and follow if you did, I always follow active followers! Love you as always, until next time! X

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