8. Bandage

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Gilbert almost laughed at the sudden burst of passion from the previously quiet girl. "That's a fair question. Well, we go way back. But...lately more and more I've been seeing some things I don't like in him. He's got a hot temper. He looks down on a lot of people. Acts arrogant."

He paused, then said, "He's started fights before, but I never thought I'd see the day he'd stoop to hitting a girl,"

Anne looked confused. "Hitting a girl?"

Anne flushed and looked down at the ground.

"He didn't hit me," she said quietly.

"He didn't? But your wrist..."

Anne looked away. "He grabbed my arm. That's all."

Gilbert nodded. "Can I see it?"

Anne shook her head.

"Can you move it? I'm worried it's broken."

Anne shook her head. "It's not broken," she said. "I can move it,"

"Then it's likely a sprain. It'll have to be wrapped up. The doctor should take a look," Gilbert told her.

"I need to go to school. I'm so late, I'll be in trouble..."

"Why don't you let me walk you to the doctor? He can take a look, get it all wrapped up and then we can walk back to school together?" Gilbert suggested.

Anne shook her head, terrified. She could not go to the doctor. Absolutely not.

"No," she said. "I need to go to school."

"The teacher will understand why you're late when we explain about your arm. He'll see the bandages. You won't be in any trouble." Gilbert persisted.

"I'm not going to the doctor!" She practically shouted at him.

Gilbert took a deep breath. "Okay, no doctor. Would you let me get some cloth and wrap it up for you? Look, we'll use my scarf, all right?" Gilbert took his flannel scarf off and offered it to Anne.

She sighed. Her wrist was throbbing. She refused to take his advice about seeing a doctor, but he was right about one thing- her wrist needed to be wrapped tightly. 

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