136. Full of Light

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On the way home from school- after their chat in her hideaway- and while Ruby was recounting every detail of their conversation to Josie- Gilbert had asked Anne about her morning walk alone. She told him proudly that she had done it. She did not mention that she'd arrived covered in sweat.

Gilbert was glad she felt accomplishment in walking alone, but her disheveled appearance when she stepped into the school building had not gone unnoticed by him, and so he offered to come meet her in the morning again, in case Diana was still sick.

She had started to tell him she'd be okay without him, but then faltered and said, "Oh, Gilbert, I'm not even going to pretend. It was hard, and I'd be exceedingly grateful if you wouldn't mind coming just in case Diana is out again..."

He said, "Of course I will! Really it's better this way, with two of us walking with you now, you'll probably never have to be by yourself."

She sighed. "I just feel bad for you, I'm sorry- the first chance you get to have mornings to yourself again, and here I am to spoil it." She looked down.

"Anne," he said, looking at her incredulously. "I wasn't walking with you as a chore."

"I know, I know, you're being kind," she said. "And I appreciate how kind you're being, willing to get up earlier and-"

"I wasn't being kind, either," he interrupted. "I mean, sure, initially I offered to walk with you because I wanted to help. But...even the very first day, I didn't feel like I was doing an act of kindness. Walking with you has been...nice. You're nice. You're..." he trailed off.

"What?" Anne asked, laughing.

"I always got up, took care of my dad, got ready and walked to school. That was normal. I never knew any other way mornings could be. ...Yesterday was normal, but it was somehow all wrong."

Anne looked over at him.

He said quietly, "I got so used to you being there first thing in the morning. You're a nice way to begin each new day, Anne. I just...I just like being with you. That's all."

Anne smiled, looking down at the ground as she walked, her cheeks growing warm. "I like being with you, too," she said softly, and Gilbert tried not to show how full of light those six words made him.

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