79. Attempt at Clarification

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Billy found his opportunity on Friday afternoon.

With Gilbert asking Mr. Phillips a question, he had a couple minutes to try to get to Anne alone. The other girls were back in their lunch corner, and Anne was sitting on the floor in the cloak room, reading by herself.

Anne was too engrossed in her geography book to hear him approach her, but once he was standing there, she saw his two boots in front of her and she stopped reading, her eyes traveling up to his.

Her heart quickened. Do not let him scare you, she told herself. He is nothing.

He didn't say anything at first, he just looked at her.

"Go away," she said, her voice tight.

He didn't. He kneeled down on the floor to be at eye level with her.

Anne couldn't breathe. He was invading her space.

"Look...what did you mean before, when...when you said you saw my sister with Mr. Phillips-"

She began to get up- and he grabbed her arm.

His touch felt like fire. "Let go of me," she said, panicked.

"Wait- I just want to know what you saw-"

"Let go of me!" She screamed, trying to jerk her arm away from his grasp.

Mr. Phillips rushed in. Gilbert was right behind him.

"What is this disturbance?" Mr. Phillips asked.

Anne was breathing hard. Billy quickly let go of her arm.

As soon as he let go, Anne scrambled up and ran back to her desk.

Mr. Phillips gave Billy a strange look, but didn't say anything to him. He went back into the room and called the class to attention.

"Class, put your lunches away. We'll start the afternoon with our geography test..."

Anne's book was still laying on the floor of the cloak room. Gilbert brought it to her.

"Thank you," she said, looking up at him.

She rubbed her arm. She could still feel Billy's touch.

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