170. A Grown Up Friend

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I wanted to give Anne a woman to talk to who was younger than Marilla and Rachel.

And also I thought it would help to let her have a woman who was a new wife and mom because she could alleviate some of Anne's worries.

Normally not a huge fan of adding in extra characters, but since the tv show writers added in extra people who weren't part of the book series, I figure I can add in an extra person too.

"Marilla," Anne said suddenly that night before bed, "We never went to see Emily Perkin's baby."

"I went without you, Anne. Just after Christmas, while you were at school."


"Are you disappointed? You seemed so set against it, that I decided not to make you tag along with me."

"No, I just wondered..."

"But Emily still wants to meet you," Marilla said. "And I told her we'd visit again. Why don't we go see her tomorrow? I'm sure she'd love to have a chance to show off Clara. She's a new mother, you know- frightfully proud of her little girl."

Anne did not exactly want to see Clara, but she decided it would be good for her...maybe she could get herself to start looking at a baby as being a sweet little creature instead of a dreadful monster.

Emily Perkins welcomed them into her parlor and quickly went into her kitchen, after which she brought out gingersnaps and cocoa.

After pleasantries to Marilla, she turned and said, "And this is Anne, of course! I've been looking forward to meeting you; I was disappointed when Miss Cuthbert came without you."

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Perkins," Anne said, trying her hardest to sound soft-spoken and mannerly so that Marilla wouldn't be embarrassed of her introduction.

Emily smiled. "You must call me Emily, if we're to be friends."

Anne liked Emily already. Emily was just twenty, married only a year, and the youthful girlishness in her face and her voice made Anne feel she wasn't too far off to really be a friend, or at least someone to look up to.

Anne didn't think she could eat anything, but she nibbled away at a gingersnap to be polite.

Marilla and Emily talked on and on, with Anne only partly listening, but trying to appear as though she was.

Where's the baby? Anne thought. Or, she thought she thought it. Marilla and Emily both turned to her, startled. Her voiced thought had interrupted their talk of a quilting bee Rachel was organizing.

Marilla and Emily both laughed, but Emily's laugh was delighted while Marilla's was a nervous laugh- Anne had embarrassed her with her abruptness.

Emily stood up. "Well, she's asleep at the moment, but you're welcome to come up and have a look."

Marilla put her hand on Anne's arm. "Anne, you mustn't disturb the baby. Sit back down. Now, Emily, we were thinking about next Saturday-"

"Oh, it isn't a disturbance at all," Emily said sweetly. "I'm pleased as punch to show her off! Come up, Anne, and if she's awake then you can hold her."

Seeing the baby felt like something to be endured, but Anne felt she must face it. Holding the baby was quite another matter and Anne hoped little Clara would stay asleep.

But Clara was awake in her bassinette when they arrived in the nursery.

"Doesn't she cry when she wakes up?" Anne asked, wondering why the baby was just lying there staring up at the felt shapes Emily had hung above the bassinette.

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