36. New Worry

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Author's note first ( you can scroll down for the chapter, but please read this note first!)  Anne worries about whether or not she could have a baby....and I want to say right away that NO, I'm NOT having her be pregnant. I didn't get pregnant, so she won't either.

But, since I had never told anybody this happened to me, I went for several weeks worrying pregnancy, and that is scary..so that's what Anne is going through, too.

But in Anne's case, she'd worrying for no reason because the scene with Billy in the woods was like literally right before she got her period..but, remember that Anne does not even know about periods yet at this point, so she wouldn't know they were necessary.

Gilbert won't know anything either. Growing up on a farm, the kids would understand reproduction and childbirth because they'd see animals, but just seeing animals doesn't mean they understand how things work with humans. There's no internet and no sex ed class in school, so kids were more in the dark about these things.


When Anne came into the house, she closed the door behind her and slipped out of her shawl, hung it on the coat rack near the door, and went into the kitchen.

She was surprised to see Marilla sitting at the table with a man.

"Oh, Anne, you're home. Good. I told the Dr. Carter that you'd be along any minute now, and he was kind enough to wait."

Anne stared like a deer in the headlights. "What is he doing here?"

"Anne," Marilla reacted, looking embarrassed. "What a way to speak! Come in here and say hello properly."

Anne didn't move. "I told you my arm was fine."

Marilla was embarrassed by Anne's impoliteness. "Well, let's let the doctor be the judge of that," she said, a bit less kindly.

Anne shook herself. "I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't mean to sound rude. I...I just didn't remember that he was coming over, and..."

Marilla looked at her oddly. "Well, he wasn't. Don't you remember? I told you this morning, before you left, that I'd take you into town once you were home from school? Well, Dr. Carter stopped by to ask if he might have a jar of my apricot preserves to take to his mother when he visits her next week. Wasn't that perfect timing? Now we won't need to go into town after all."

Anne swallowed hard. "Oh. Right. Yes."

Anne walked up to the doctor and said, "Hello," smiling a bit, to try to cover up what Marilla perceived to be rudeness.

The stranger, a kindly looking older gentleman, smiled at her and said, "Hello, young lady. Miss Cuthbert was telling me you took a bit of a tumble the other day and hurt your wrist."

Anne nodded, unwrapping the scarf and holding out her arm.

"Out on the playground, I take it?" He said, turning her wrist over and pressing it in a few places.

Anne nodded.

The doctor smiled. "Well, it's not broken, although I'm sure you know that by now."

"I hope you don't think I'm neglectful for not bringing her to you as soon as it happened," Marilla began. "But Rachel Lynde told me that when she went into town she'd spoken to Abigail, and Abigail told her that you'd been at the Perkins house all night, and...well, since Anne's arm wasn't an emergency- not really, anyway- I hated to come yesterday- I'm sure you could have used a day's rest after being up all night with Emily."

The doctor smiled, "Rachel Lynde, hmm? Yes, I expect she would know. I'm surprised she didn't know Emily's baby was coming before Emily did!"

Marilla and the doctor smiled a knowing smile- Rachel Lynde could always be counted on to know everybody's business.

The doctor continued, "But no, don't worry- It's just a sprain. You did well keeping it wrapped up tightly. I'm afraid there's not much else to be done for it, just keep it wrapped up. And you, young lady, will be back out on the playground running around soon enough!"

Then he winked at Anne as he said- loudly, teasingly- "But as for doing any chores, Miss Cuthbert, I'm afraid it would be entirely unsafe for her to do even the slightest bit of work. Entirely. She mustn't lift a finger. Only amusement, I'm afraid."

Marilla smiled at Anne, "Well, see, Anne? I've a second opinion on you leaving the laundry to me, now, don't I?"

Then Marilla turned to the doctor and asked, "How is she doing? Emily, I mean?"

The doctor smiled. "She had a tough time of it, but she's doing well now."

Anne was only half-listening, not knowing who Abigail was or what she had to do with somebody named Emily Perkins and a baby.

"That's a relief. She's so slight, I worried about her delivering a baby," Marilla admitted.

"She's always been a delicate creature, hasn't she, and her baby is tiny too- but not frail, so that's a start."

Anne was definitely listening now. "Who are you talking about?"

The doctor and Marilla looked over at her, as if they'd forgotten she was even in the room.

Anne spoke up, "Rachel Lynde...saw Abigail? She had a baby...?"

The doctor said, "No, Emily Perkins had a baby last night. It's their first baby, Emily and her husband Arnold. Maybe you haven't met them yet? It's a little girl. Clara, they're going to call her," he said. "Abigail is Emily's mother-in-law."

Anne sat, staring at them with huge eyes. "A baby..."

"Goodness, child, whatever is the matter?" Marilla asked her.

"Nothing," Anne whispered. "Nothing."

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