42. Porridge and Promises

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Anne got ready for school as quickly as she could, but hesitated at the top of the stairs. She felt apprehensive about going downstairs and facing Marilla.

She took a deep breath and tried to walk down slowly and quietly like a lady instead of noisily banging around like she usually did. Maybe that would count for something.

Marilla was cleaning up the breakfast dishes. She glanced over at Anne as she came in.

"We just had porridge," she said, "It's still hot, but it isn't something you can eat on the way. I was trying to think of what else you could eat that would be easier to take with you on the way to school, like fruit or bread, but nothing sounded like a good breakfast for such a cold morning."

Marilla's voice had lost its rough edges and she sounded gentler now.

"I don't have to take anything with me," Anne said softly. The oatmeal smelled good, but she didn't feel much like eating, and above all she didn't want to make any extra bother for Marilla.

"Don't be silly, you need a good breakfast on a day like this," Marilla said. "I suppose you could take your bowl with you- if you think you could eat it while you're walking?"

Anne looked down at it. "I don't want to take your bowl with me," she said. "What if I dropped it and it broke?"

"If you are careful, you won't likely drop it," Marilla said. She picked up Anne's bowl.

She placed the bowl in Anne's hands, saying, "If you do drop it, we'll survive. Things can happen, even when intentions are pure. I won't hold it against you- I promise."

Anne smiled at her, feeling that all had been forgiven.

"Now scoot! You don't want Mr. Phillips to mark you tardy."

"Okay, Marilla- thank you."

Anne left carrying her bowl of oatmeal, the heat feeling wonderful on her hands as she braced the chilly air. 

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