169. A Cuthbert Baby Again

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Marilla quietly explained to Matthew how she'd handled the discussion with Anne- that Anne had admitted there was a potential baby, and that Marilla had offered reassurance that the baby would not actually bring on the end of the world.

"Did she say anything about the rest of it- the rumor about the money and the wedding and all?"

Marilla shook her head slowly. "I was going to ask her about the rumors, and about Gilbert being involved, but once we began talking, it felt like it was enough for her just to disclose the possibility of a baby at all, so I didn't make her keep going."

Then Marilla thought about the notes Gilbert had left, and said, "Gilbert brought school notes for her today, and there was what looked like a wedding invitation tucked away in them."

"A wedding invitation?" Matthew said, his eyebrows raised.

"Yes. Just a homemade one, made by another child at school, I'm sure- it wasn't in Gilbert's or Anne's handwriting," Marilla said. "...I'll ask her about it, of course. I just didn't want to push her too quickly."

"So should I just avoid the subject altogether, then, d'you think?"

Marilla thought about this a moment. "No," she finally said. "I think you were right to give me time alone with her to ask her about a baby, but...if a baby could be the reality of the situation, then I think from this point on we ought to just be very matter-of-fact about things, and not treat anything as if it must be hushed up or whispered about."

Matthew nodded.

"Anne," Marilla called. "Come down and help me with dinner, please."

Anne came down and the two worked together in the kitchen, with Anne happily chattering away, as if nothing was bothering her at all.

And it was partly true- while worry was her constant companion, she felt she'd been able to let go of another weight from her shoulders today, because Marilla had spoken as if Anne bringing a baby into their home was perfectly normal and would not be a burden to them. The idea of having a baby was still awful to her, but at least she didn't have to harbor secret fears that Marilla would turn her out of their home.

During dinner Marilla said casually, "Matthew, don't let me forget, next time we go into town I want to buy new yarn. I was going through my knitting basket with Anne earlier and I noticed I don't have any soft colors- like pale yellow- colors that would be suitable for a baby. Anne and I were talking about how we might need to do a lot of knitting soon, if we happen to have a new little one around here."

Matthew looked at Marilla as if he didn't know what he was supposed to say to that.

Marilla gave him a purposeful look, her eyebrows raised, pushing him to say something to Anne that would show his acceptance.

"Oh," Matthew said, called to action. "Is that so?" he asked in a pleasant voice.

Anne was not happy about Marilla bringing that up to Matthew, and her cheeks grew red- but she did so need to hear Matthew accept her.

"Well, Anne, we'll get lots of pretty colors for you," he told her, giving her a smile.

Anne felt bewildered. Matthew should have been shocked, but he wasn't.

Anne thought Marilla's statement about yarn was the very first time Matthew had heard of the potential baby, so she couldn't understand why he wasn't acting distraught over it. She did not know that this conversation was anything but impromptu.



"You aren't surprised Or...angry?"

Matthew shook his head. "No."

Anne just stared at him, confused.

Matthew said in a cheerful voice, "Any baby you're dressing will have to have outfits in every color and puffed sleeves, besides." Then he took a bite of his green beans and went back to eating like this was all perfectly normal.

Anne felt like she was in a bizarre dream where Matthew and Marilla should be shocked and angry with her but somehow they weren't.

She found herself able to eat her dinner easily after that.

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