83. Communion

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When the communion tray was passed, with the bits of torn bread and the tiny glass cups of grape juice- the reverend thought it was sinful to use actual wine- Anne did not take the tray. She bit her lip, shaking her head quickly, and pushed it away.

Marilla looked at her sharply, seeming confused, but passed the tray on down the pew without making any scene over it.

Gilbert watched her, frowning.

He decided to turn his attention to Billy. Billy took the tray and popped the things off it.

Billy didn't even pray first.

Normally Gilbert didn't pay attention to what other people did at church. That was their business, not his, and he didn't think it was nice to stare at other people or make judgments about what they were doing.

But seeing Billy take communion with a laissez-faire attitude after Anne hadn't taken it at all, made Gilbert bubble with anger he couldn't explain.

He continued to watch Billy instead of listening to the reverend.

Billy poked Moody, who was sitting in front of him, and whispered something to him, gesturing toward the choir. They both snickered. They were clearly making fun of the choir.

After a moment Mrs. Andrews gave Billy a stern look. Billy slouched back on the bench.

He's pathetic, Gilbert thought.

He couldn't believe he'd been friends with someone so immature.

Later, when church was let out, Gilbert shoved past him, "It's not a snack, Billy."

"What?" Billy turned around to face Gilbert after he'd shoved past him.

Gilbert turned back and hissed at him through clenched teeth, "Communion. It's not just grape juice and bread. You're supposed to be praying."

"How do you know what I was doing or not?" Billy said, giving him an ugly look.

"Poking Moody, whispering, making fun of the choir? How pathetic is it that at your age your mother has to remind you to pay attention in church! Yeah, I was watching you. You didn't pray. You didn't confess any sins at all, did you?"

"So what?" Billy asked. "When did you become a religious fanatical?"

"I'm not," Gilbert said. "I just think you've got a lot of nerve taking communion after what you did."

He walked away angrily.

Billy looked after him.

Mrs. Andrews came out of the aisle. "What was that all about?" she asked.

Billy was still watching Gilbert walk away. "Uh..."

Mrs. Andrews didn't wait for him to answer her. "You know, William," she said to him, "Nobody's making that boy come to church. He comes alone and sits by himself and pays attention like an adult." She adjusted her hat. "You really ought to try to be more like Gilbert, dear."

She walked away with Jane and Prissy.

Billy narrowed his eyes.

Why did everyone love Gilbert so much? Mr. Perfect...it made him sick.

NOTE: I want to mention my favorite AWAE story is Serendipity by pinkieparris / parristhebookworm. You should go read it because it's amazing.  :) If you want to- and I hope you love it as much as I love it- here's a link to her:  https://www.wattpad.com/user/pinkieparris 

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