You're gonna get caught-Weather Wizard

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Imagine Mark is lying low at your house around Christmas and no one knows he's there, not even your friends from S.T.A.R Labs.

You were currently in the kitchen, preparing cookies for the West's Christmas party which was the next day. You had finally thrown the last batch in the oven and were now decorating the first batch while you waited. You began adding icing and edible gems until you'd almost finished, but were cut off when you watched suspiciously as Mark made his way across the living room and out the front door.

You stopped what you were doing and stalked after him. Looking out the window, you saw him standing on the front lawn, staring up at the sky. You didn't find it too weird, so you walked back in the kitchen and began work on the cookies again. After a couple minutes, you were scared by a crack of lightning.

You jumped and ran towards the front door, pulling it open. There you saw Mark with his hands in the air, making the weather change. Suddenly, snow began to fall and you watched as Mark dramatically positioned himself and said, "Let it Snow."

You rolled your eyes. "Mark! Quit being dramatic and get in here, you're going to get caught!" You yelled, receiving an eye roll from Mark, who reluctantly went inside. You closed the door and locked it for good that night.

Boy were you tired of Mark's crap....

Meanwhile, across town Iris's POV

You walked over to the window and looked out, seeing something that caught your eye. 

"Hey Bare, it's snowing!" You shouted to your husband. 


"I know, it must be a Christmas miracle..."

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