Camping trip-Wally West

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Imagine your friends are planning a mini road trip and decide to ask a few others from your college to tag along. You are really excited to go, especially since your friends invited the cute boy from your physics class.

You walked out the front door, your bag for the weekend slung over your shoulder.  You closed the door and waved goodbye to your parents in the window before racing off to your friends.

You reached the red minivan that they rented and were greeted by three smiling faces.

"Y/N!" Amy shouted, pulling you into a hug. You hugged her back and turned towards the others.

"Jake, Kennedy, good to see you two." You said smiling. "So who are we waiting on?" You asked, although you already knew the answer. The cute boy from physics and Jonathan, the cute boy's friend.

"Um...I think just Jonathan and Wally." Jake said. You nodded, finally pleased to have a name for the cute boy.

"We should probably get going then." Amy said, slamming the trunk closed. You furrowed your eyebrows at her.

"I thought we were waiting for them?" You asked. Amy shook her head.

"We're picking them up." She said. You nodded and the others began to hop in the minivan, well all except for Amy, who pulled you aside.

"So Y/N, I know about your massive crush on Wally." She said. You squinted your eyes at her.

"Okay..." You said uneasily.

"Well I made a seating arrangement in the car so you and Wally are sitting in the back together." She said before nudging her elbow into you. "That means you can talk to him and maybe when we're at the camp ground," she looked around before looking back to you with a smirk. "Get a little action."

Your eyes went wide and you punched her in the arm.

"Ow hey, I was just saying." She said, continuing to smirk. You rolled your eyes and walked over to the open car door, peering in. You saw Jake sitting in the passengers seat, Kennedy in the second row, with a seat most likely reserved for Jonathan, and in the back, empty seats for you and Wally. You let out a sigh and climbed in the car.

----Time Skip----

You watched through the car window as Wally and Jonathan walked out of a brown house together, each holding a bag in their hands. Wally raced over to the car, smiling widely. Amy hopped out of the car and took their bags.

"Jonathan, you're by Kennedy and Wally, you're in the back by Y/N." She said before she moved to the back of the minivan and opened the trunk to put the bags away. 

Wally slid in next to you, looking over at you smiling. "Hey, I'm Wally." He said, reaching out his hand. You smiled and took his hand.

"I know, we're actually in physics together. I'm Y/N." You said. Suddenly Wally's face lit up.

"Now I remember, you're the girl whose always answering every one of the professor's questions." He said. You let out a laugh.

"Yeah, that's me."

"Well thank you for that, I hate when professors make me talk." He said, laughing.  

"Don't mention it, I feel like it's my duty anyways." You said jokingly. Wally smirked. 

----Time Skip----

You climbed out of the car, stretching your arms and legs.

"Alright guys, if we want to make it to the campsite before three, we need to leave now." Amy said, opening up the trunk. You nodded and grabbed your bag, before moving out of the way so the others could get theirs. You then began to follow Amy towards the campsite, staying in the back with Wally.

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