You've melted my icy heart-Killer Frost

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Imagine one night you came face to face with the notorious Killer Frost and instead of developing a fear towards her, you developed feelings as she continued to pop up.  

You were walking down the icy sidewalks of Central City, nervously watching each step you took, in fear of falling. Finally fed up you decided to walk in the grass which was about two feet high in snow. 

"Dammit..." You mumbled as the bottom of your pants became wet and you struggled to get your foot out of the snow each time you took a step. Suddenly you heard a venomous laugh come from behind you.

"Having a little trouble there Y/N?" You whipped your head around to where you heard the laugh, finally coming to a pale face with bright white hair. You realized you were staring and awkwardly spoke.

"Y-yeah, the snow's a little hard to....To work with." You said smiling. Killer Frost raised an eyebrow and then moved closer to you. 

"It looks like your pant legs are wet..." She said pointing to them. You nodded.

"Yeah, luckily I'm just going home, so I can change." Killer Frost shrugged and then looked at you smirking.

"Well you could do that or..."

"Or?" You asked intrigued. 

"Or you can stay out here with me and have a snowball fight." Your eyes widened for an instant before turning back to normal. "Uh-uh sure..." You stuttered out, choking on your spit.

Killer Frost smirked and began forming a snowball, which of course she threw at you. You smiled and did the same. Soon where you were standing became a full on war zone and you actually saw Killer Frost laughing not because she was outsmarting someone or killing but because she was having fun. You were finally having fun, not minding the wet and clingy feeling of your clothes at all. At one point you stood up and were unable to duck fast enough and got hit in the head with a snowball, only this wasn't an ordinary snowball, it contained ice. 

You fell to the ground and looked over to see Killer Frost at your side.

"Are you okay?" She asked with a concerned expression. You moved your hand to where you got hit and felt blood. "Ow..." You mumbled. 

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to throw it that hard..."

"You didn't throw it hard, it had ice in it." You said, your head falling back into the snow. "Can you take me home?" You asked in pain, earning a head nod from Killer Frost. She stood up and then leaned over to pick you up.

----Time Skip----

Killer Frost took your key from you and unlocked the door with her now free hand that was holding your torso until you moved you arms around her neck. She then walked inside, closed the door, and looked around until she walked off into the bathroom. She hunched over and set you down on the toilet before standing up again.

"Where do you keep the medical kit?" She asked looking down at you. "In the bottom cabinet." You said pointing to the cabinet. She reached down and pulled the door open, fishing around for the kit until she pulled it out. You then watched as Killer Frost came to crouch in front of you and began cleaning out the giant cut you now had on your head. You looked at her as she worked and couldn't help but feel weak. You truly had a crush on her.

"Hey Killer Frost?" You asked. Killer Frost stopped what she was doing and looked up and looked into your eyes. 

"Why do they call you that?" 

"Call me what?"

"Killer Frost."

She cleared her throat and shifted around. "Because I kill things, kill people." You looked at her for a moment and then spoke.

"But you don't have to." She scowled. "People won't take me seriously if I don't..."

"Who cares? You would do so much better helping people." You added smiling until Killer Frost snapped back.

"I care! You just don't get it..." She looked down at the floor until you lifted her head towards you. 

"Then help me to." You said smiling reassuringly. "I promise you I won't judge you if you show your weak side." Killer Frost moved her eyes from yours and looked around nervously. 

"It's okay..." You said and she looked up at your eyes.

"I'm scared....I only kill and side with the bad guys because I'm scared that my friends won't accept me and that..." She trailed off running her hand through her hair.

"That?" You asked raising your eyebrows. 

"That I'm not good enough." You shook your head and chuckled. "Well push that thought out of your head because you are...." You anticipated what you were going to say next for a long time and couldn't believe you were saying it until you heard it come out of your mouth.

"You're good enough for me and that means if I truly believe in you and am able to see past your icy looks to reach your heart, then anyone can see you're good enough." You added. Killer Frost looked up at you and her white-grey eyes pierced into your soul. You took the chance and leaned down, your face only inches from her. You closed your eyes and smashed your lips into hers, slowly moving in sync with each other. When you pulled back, you stared in awe at what was happening before you. Killer Frost's hair was becoming orange and her face taking on a normal healthy color. You smiled at the girl in front of you.

"Hi..." You mumbled. She smiled. "Hi, I'm Caitlin..."

"She's your alter ego." You stated earning a nod from Caitlin. You looked at Caitlin for a moment only to watch her shift uneasily and then pout. 

"You're disappointed aren't you?" She asked. You shook your head and smiled.

"Of course not, I don't care how you look, you both are still the same person, just different parts of each other. She's the hurt and anger filled side of you and you're..." You began waiting for Caitlin to finish the sentence.

"The softer more vulnerable side." 

"Exactly, but I saw both of you today, when I got hit with the snowball. Your Killer Frost side who was pelting me with snowballs soon dissipated when you saw I was hurt and your Caitlin side showed." You said smiling. 

"I guess so..." She said trying to hide a smile. "Caitlin...No matter how you wake up each day, I'll still fall for you, both sides of you...If you woke up with white hair, I'd still ask if you wanted to hang out and if you woke up with orange hair, I'd still do the same."

Caitlin smirked. "That means a lot to me, usually everyone fears Killer Frost..." 

"Well not me, Caitlin, Killer Frost, I love you." You said grabbing her hand and intertwining it with yours.

"I love you too Y/N, even if this side of me has just met you..." You smiled and pulled her in for a kiss which was just as magical as the one with Killer Frost. "You've melted my icy heart." She mumbled as she pulled back and put her forehead up against yours. 

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