Kitchen goof off-Iris West

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Imagine Iris's dad decides to have a family dinner so that you can get to know everyone. To make a good first impression, you volunteer to make dinner with Iris. Joe agrees, so the two of you now get to make the family dinner at Iris's childhood house. 

"Iris, are you sure your dad has milk at his place?" You asked, rummaging through the refrigerator, taking several items off the shelves and putting them into a large brown paper bag. You heard footsteps sound behind you, most likely meaning your girlfriend had joined you in the kitchen. 

You stopped what you were doing and turned around to see Iris raising her eyebrows at you.

"Of course he has milk, that's like the main ingredient for just about everything," she said, stalking over to you. She reached over and grabbed the bag from your hands. She rested one hand on the bottom of the bag and used the other to rummage through the bag.

You watched has her eyebrows began to furrow into a straight line. 

"Y/N, what's all of this for?" She asked, clearly confused. You put your hands on your hips. 

"They're ingredients...I want to make sure I have everything for dinner tonight...I don't want anything to go wrong," you said. Iris looked back up at you and smiled. 

"Don't worry Y/N, I'll be right there with you, to make the best dinner for my family but..." she began. You raised an eyebrow at her.

"But?" Iris sighed and smiled a huge grin.

"But, you don't need all of this, my dad has all of this at his house," she said. You frowned. 

"Are you sure?" You asked, worried. She nodded sweetly and moved closer to the fridge. She pulled the door open and began to put everything back where it came from. You sighed and slumped your shoulders.

"I guess we'll just show up to the house and make the food then," you said. Iris closed the fridge and put a hand on your shoulder. 

"We're just making dinner, think of it as a date...The two of us are just going to have fun and cook and maybe steal a few kisses," she said smiling. You gave her a soft smile.

"Alright, sounds like a plan, but can I steal a kiss now?" You asked. She nodded and leaned over to plant a soft, short kiss to your lips before pulling you with her to the door. 

---Time Skip---

You followed Iris to the door of the house and waited patiently for her dad to let you inside after Iris had knocked. Soon, you saw Joe's face appear in the glass that was shaped in vertical rectangles at the top of the door. 

He opened the door and smiled widely at the two of you before pulling Iris into a hug. 

"Welcome home honey...Ready for tonight's dinner?" he asked. Iris nodded eagerly.

"Yep and we brought different clothes, so we'll just change when the dinner is done," she said. Joe nodded. 

"Sounds like a plan. Well, Barry needs some help down at the lab, so I'll be in and out today...Just let me know if you need anything," he said, before stepping to the side so that the two of you could enter the house. 

When you finally made it into the kitchen, the two of you began to get to work immediately. While you grabbed the ingredients, Iris grabbed out the pans, bowls, mixer, and anything else she thought that the two of you might need in order to accomplish your task. 

"So what are we making today chef Y/N?" Iris asked jokingly. You glanced at her out of the corner of your eye.

"Well the dinner part is easy, we're just going to make spaghetti..." You began before Iris cut you off.

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