Well, we're lost-Eddie Thawne

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Imagine your boyfriend Eddie wants to go hiking on your next date so you agree but when you go, things don't turn out as planned. 

You climbed in your boyfriend's car carrying a small backpack. You leaned over and gave him a peck on the lips. 

"Are you ready for a super fun adventure Y/N?" Eddie asked enthusiastically before starting the car. You rolled your eyes smiling.

"Hey what's with the eye roll?" He asked.

"Oh it's just that you asked me to go hiking, but you are really bad at directions....We're going to be stranded in the woods, which doesn't sound too fun."

"Such a pessimist Y/N...Anyways there will be a trail, so there's no way we could get lost." You chuckled as you looked at the center console. 

"Eddie, are you serious?" He furrowed his eyebrows and glanced over at you. "What?"

"We've been to this place before on a picnic and yet you had to ask your phone for directions."

"That was one time, it's not like we've been there a ton." You clicked your tongue.

"Wrong! We also came here for my company's picnic and when we helped my nephew during his boy scouts retreat." You pointed out.

"Okay well whatever, at least I had good directions then, I mean we made it out of there on schedule." You laughed. "Eddie, during the picnic we stayed in one place and the Scout leader led everyone around during the retreat, you and I were in the back following."

Eddie looked over at you briefly and stuck his tongue out. Several jokes later and team up singing, you and Eddie arrived to the park. You grabbed out your backpack and followed Eddie up the trail, watching as he occasionally glanced back to smirk and say 'See, we're not lost.'

Sometime later

You and Eddie stood near a giant rock, looking out everywhere. Eddie looked at you and smiled innocently.

"So Y/N, I might have forgot to add that the trail stops after awhile, like we passed that probably fifteen minutes ago and went in a different direction..."

"Are you saying we're lost Mr. Thawne?" You asked raising your eyebrows at him. He let out a sigh.

"That's what I'm saying..." You sat on the rock. "I told you we'd get lost..." You mumbled. 

Eddie squinted his eyes at you. "Is that sass I hear in your voice Ms. Y/L/N?" You smirked.

"I don't know is it?" You asked teasingly. Eddie stepped towards you. 

"Whoa Mr. Thawne, I hope you don't think I'm going to allow you to kiss me." You said looking at him jokingly. He pouted.

"Sorry babe, you're too sweaty." You said shrugging. Eddie smirked. "That's not what you said last night." Your mouth fell open.

"Nothing even happened last night." You added chuckling.

"I know, but I just wanted to say it." He said smiling like a dork.

"Why?" You asked confusedly smiling. He shrugged his shoulders and then ran off.

Eddie turned around and smiled. "Come on babe, let's try and get out of here. It's hot." He said. You ran after him. 

"Yes Eddie! Use those bad directional skills of yours to get us out of here!" You shouted earning an playful eye roll from your boyfriend.

A painstaking hour later

 "Y/N! The car, we found the car!" Eddie yelled, receiving a few irritated looks from passersby. Eddie unlocked the door and you climbed inside the hot car ready for Eddie to drive away when you suddenly realized something.


"Yes babe?" He asked. You looked at him uneasily. "I might have left my bag on the giant rock..." He looked back at you wide-eyed. "What did you have in it?"

"A couple water bottles, band-aids, and bug repellent." Eddie began to climb out of the car when you stopped him.

"It's okay, I don't need it anyways."

"Are you sure?" He asked ready to run off and get it. You nodded.

"I mean, I have a million band-aids at home, along with water and the only time I need bug repellent is if I go hiking."

"So no?" He questioned. "No, I mean are we ever going hiking again?" You asked.

"Hell no, we are the exact type of couple that shouldn't go hiking, I mean with my horrible directional skills and your forgetfulness we're bound to get lost whenever we go." He laughed. 

"So then should we stick to our normal dates? The cheesy movies and Big Belly Burger?"Eddie nodded and pulled out of the parking spot.

"So Y/N, do you remember where Central City is?" He asked jokingly.

"No idea, I must've forgotten." You added smiling as you looked out the window. 

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