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Imagine a while back, you managed to save Hunter from making the biggest mistake of his life, one that would have led to his end had you not intervened. Ever since then, the two of you have grown closer and closer and you find his heart becoming less and less dark. One night, he decides he wants the two of you to have a trivia night as a way to truly get to know each other.

You grinned from ear to ear. "Of course I'd love to play, when do we start?" Hunter chuckled, happy to see how eager you were.

"What about right now? Afterwards we can go get dinner or we can go get dinner now and play trivia later?" He said questioningly. 

"Let's get dinner after," you said. Hunter nodded, letting a small smile spread across his lips. He took your hand and led you to the dining room table where several pieces of paper were lying face down. 

You both sat on a chair, facing one another. "So what's the rules?" You asked. Hunter smirked.

"Glad you asked Y/N. Basically, we each get a piece of paper that has a list of questions written on it and we use this list to ask the other person a question when it's our turn. The other person must secretly write their answer on a blank piece of paper while you write a guess of what their answer will be on your own piece of paper. When both of us our finished, we show each other our answer. If the guesser who asked the question is correct in their guess, they get a point, if not, the point automatically goes to the other person."

You nodded. "So what does the winner get?" Hunter chuckled.

"How about the winner doesn't have to pay for dinner tonight?" He suggested. You smiled.

"Sounds like a solid plan, so can we start?" You asked eagerly. Hunter nodded and gave you your questions sheet and a stack of blank paper. He gestured for you to go first , so you chose a question off the sheet.

"What job would you be terrible at?" You asked, raising your eyebrows at Hunter. Hunter bit his lip and began writing on a piece of torn paper. You pressed your lips tightly together and tried to think of a job that Hunter would suck at. Finally, you came up with a guess and quickly wrote it down. You looked up at Hunter when you were done, who was already looking at you.

"Ready?" He asked. You nodded and handed him your paper while he handed you his.

"Yes! A frickin' knew it!" You yelled happily. Hunter stared at you suspiciously.

"Hmm...Seems suspicious, did you peak at my paper Y/N?" He asked jokingly. You shook your head and smiled.

"Nope, but I remembered all of the times you've been near children and you had no idea what you were doing or you quietly cursed at them for being loud or hyper...Therefore, I guessed that you'd be a sucky babysitter," you commented. 

"Hey whoa-I've never cursed at children," he said in disbelief, his face clearly telling you that he has.

"Oh so when we were at the store and this kid was crying loudly, you were talking to the mother when you said, 'Damn kids I swear they're the spawn of Satan, why would you ever want one?'" You questioned. Hunter bit his lip and shrugged.

"Okay so maybe I did say that and maybe it was a little loud, but...Okay...Never mind, it's my turn," he said, giving up on his argument. You laughed and marked a point down for you.

"Alright Y/N, what would be your first question after waking up from being frozen for 100 years?" 

You tapped your pen to your chin before you began writing. Definitely, who the hell froze me in the first place? 

You looked back up at Hunter and realized that he was still writing, so you decided to sit there and take in your surroundings, only you were distracted by the beauty that sat in front of you. You watched as he bit his lip while he wrote and occasionally shook the hair out of his eyes, that kept falling due to his hunched over position. Who knew someone could make writing so damn attractive? Certainly not you until you watched Hunter, the man you'd suddenly fallen in love with, writing. 

"Hey Y/N, earth to Y/N," Hunter called, waving his hand in front of your face. You blinked a couple of times before realizing you got lost in thought and were staring at him.

"Shoot, sorry I just got lost in thought," you said. You watched as a familiar smirk spread across Hunter's face.

"Was I in those thoughts?" He asked boldly. You gulped.

"Alright, here's my paper now," you said, trying to change the subject. He handed you the paper, allowing himself to chuckle as he did so. You felt the redness creep up on your face as you tried to read what was on the paper. Where the hell am I?

You looked back up at Hunter. "Wrong, who would ask that first? I mean don't you want to know who did that to you before anything else?" You asked. Hunter shrugged.

"Well, I forgot that you hold grudges for a long time, so I mean 100 years is nothing then right?" He asked jokingly. You crumbled up a piece of paper and threw it at him, hitting him right in the face. 

"Sorry-sorry. But like honestly, are you sure I'm not right and you're wrong? I mean, you do tend to get lost a lot so..." He countered. You threw another piece of paper at him. And this is how the rest of your night went, the both of you joked, laughed and threw paper, the night was filled with sudden attraction and a longing for the other person as each of you fell more and more in love with the other. Then, Hunter dropped a bomb shell on you.

You stared at him wide-eyed. "Will you repeat the question?" You croaked out. Hunter cleared his throat and looked at you nervously, seemingly losing his confidence.

"Um...Will you marry me?" He asked again. You felt your heart beat rapidly in your chest as you turned your attention to writing your answer down. Hunter looked at you a minute longer before writing his guess down.  When you traded papers, you looked at Hunter in disbelief. 

"No? Hunter...Why would you think that this would be my answer?" You asked, sounding hurt. He stared up at you.

"Well...I-Your expression..." He started. You stood up and walked over to his side of the table. You moved close to him and sat on his lap, resting one hand on the chair's arm and the other on Hunter's neck.

"I've fallen in love with you Hunter, you mean the world to me...I would have never said 'no,'" you said lovingly, your voice a soft whisper. You felt Hunter relax. 

"Sorry, I guess it was just my nerves," he said, looking away awkwardly. 

"Well, my answer is 'yes' so you have nothing to be worried about fiance." The words rolled off of your tongue, full of love and longing. He turned back to you, letting a smile spread across his face. He moved his hands to your face and caressed your cheeks slowly. 

"Can I kiss you?" He asked. You nodded and leaned in to close the distance. The kiss was passionate that's for sure, his hands tangled into your hair and after several breathless minutes, the two of you broke apart. Suddenly, you heard your stomach erupt in a growl.

"Want to go get dinner now? I'm starving," you whined, hopping off of Hunter's lap. He nodded and stood up. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. 

"I have the ring...To put on your finger," he said. You turned to face him, surprised that the both of you forgot until now.

"Right, um..." You awkwardly stuck your hand out to him as he got on his knee and pulled the ring out of his pocket. He slipped the ring onto your finger and stood back up, making sure to plant a kiss on your forehead. You smiled at the ring and then heard another stomach grumble, only it was Hunter this time.

"Big Belly Burger?" He asked. You nodded.

"Remember, you're paying," you said, rubbing your win in his face. He chuckled and grabbed your hand, leading the both of you out of the house. 

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