Holiday party-Dante Ramon

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Before this imagine begins I want to give a shout-out to @oldcatlady123 for requesting this. Also I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed writing this, so Dante will now be added as a permanent character in this book 😄. I hope you enjoy!

Imagine your best friend Cisco was invited to a family dinner, one of which he did not want to go to alone. Being the friend that you are, you happily agreed to tag along, except you didn't think this would entail a night of trying to brush off the charms of one daunting brother.

You stood in front of the bathroom mirror, carefully putting in your red and green studs. You heard footsteps approaching.

"Hey Cisco, when does this thing start again?" You asked. Cisco appeared in front of you. He leaned against the door frame.

"6. So you have exactly five more minutes."

You smirked at him before spraying on a hint of perfume.

"All done, how do I look?" You asked, giving Cisco a twirl. Decked out in red and black, you felt like a showstopper. You were definitely confident in this new look.

Cisco whistled jokingly. You laughed.

"You're such a dork." Cisco rolled his eyes.

"Says the nerd," he replied. You giggled and playfully punched his shoulder.

"Come on, we have to go, unless you want to be late..." you said. Cisco shrugged.

"I mean I don't really want to listen to all of the questions about my non existent girlfriend, but if I must," he said.

You smiled.

"It's still Tracy right? You haven't changed the name on me?" You asked, going along with Cisco's game. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I thought it was Talia?" He asked.

You cocked your head to the side and glanced back at him. "Tania?"


"Crap..." you both said in unison.

The two of you stood outside Cisco's childhood home, huddled under the porch. You lightly knocked. As you stood on the porch, the snow fell from the sky, lightly pampering the ground beneath it.

"Coming!" A woman inside the house yelled. The footsteps grew closer until the door was flung open and a middle aged woman appeared.

"Cisco?!" She exclaimed. She pulled him into a hug, smiling widely.

"I wasn't sure if you'd make it," she said, pulling away from the hug. She glanced over at you, extending a hand.

"Mrs. Ramon and you are...?"

You shook her hand. It was very warm compared to your cold, freezing hand.

"Y/N L/N. I'm Cisco's best friend and roommate," you replied. Mrs. Ramon smiled and glanced over at her son.

"You've never mentioned her before, how long have you known each other?" She asked slightly irritated that Cisco had never told her about you.

"Uh...three years," he said. Mrs. Ramon's eyes grew wide, but before she could say another word, a handsome stranger slid in next to her. He pulled Cisco into a bear hug.

"I missed you little brother, how have you been?" He asked. You eyed the man oddly, sensing the tension between him and Cisco. He turned to you.

"Dante Ramon, Cisco's older brother. It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N," he said. A smirk played on his lips.

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