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Imagine you and Hartley have been dating for two years and have truly fallen in love. One day during your spring cleaning house clean up, Hartley decides to stop cleaning and instead bug you until you go look at something.

You sighed. "Look Hart, I love you and all, but man, you sure know how to irritate someone," you said. Hartley rolled his eyes.

"I'm not trying to be irritating, I just want to show you something, but you're being difficult," he said.

"Sorry, I just want to get this house cleaned before our movie night tonight," you said softly. Hartley nodded.

"I know and I'm going to help you, it's just that I want to show you something, it won't take long," he pleaded, flashing you his puppy dog eyes. You couldn't help but smile.

"Alright, but make it quick or no movie night," you said. Hartley clasped his hands together and then reached for yours, pulling you with him to yours and his shared office.

You furrowed your eyebrows as you were pulled towards the window. "Is there an accident or something?" You asked worried, looking out the window quickly.

"No, there's no accident," he said. You gasped.

"Is someone getting arrested? Man, we'd be able to see everything from here."

Hartley sighed. "No, no one's getting arrested." You scrunched your face on confusion.

"Oh, then why'd you bring me over here?" Hartley smiled and tapped on the telescope that sat between the both of you.

"Look through this."

"Um...It's like 1 o'clock in the afternoon Hart, I won't be able to see anything," you commented.

"Just look through it."

You folded your arms over your chest. "Is this thing pointed at the sun? Are you trying to blind me?" You questioned. Hartley sighed and placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

"Just look into the damn telescope Y/N," he said. You hesitated, but moved to the telescope's eye piece. You looked over at Hartley.

"Just tell-" You began before Hartley held up his hand, silencing you. He pointed to the telescope.

"Look. Through. The. Telescope." You huffed and stuck your eye to the eyepiece and looked in. You squinted and saw a piece of paper with the words "Will you marry me Y/N" written on it. You pulled back and looked at Hartley to see if this was real.  Hartley smiled and gave you a nod.

You glanced down at the ground and then back up at Hartley before breaking into a wide smile. You threw your arms up and ran towards Hartley.

"Yes!" You exclaimed. Hartley chuckled and gave you a peck on the nose.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too," you said looking lovingly into his eyes. Hartley smiled, his cheeks taking on a red tint.

"Can I-can I put the ring on your finger then?" He asked.

"Oh right! Of course," you said, pulling out of the hug. Hartley got on his knee and looked up at you before reaching for your hand. You slipped you hand into his and watched as he slipped the ring onto your finger.

You stared at the ring. "I love it!" Hartley chuckled.

"I'm glad," he said. You moved towards him and pulled him into another hug. The two of you sat there in each other's embrace for a couple of minutes before you began to speak.

"Hey Hart?" You said, mumbling into his shoulder.

"Hmm?" He asked.

"We still have two whole rooms to finish cleaning before six," you said. Hartley chuckled.

"There's the Y/N I fell in love with," he said. You smiled.

"Well of course, I mean I am wonderful after all," you said. You pulled back from the hug and pulled Hartley with you to clean.

"Alright, four and a half hours to go. Let's clean like our life depends on it!" You shouted enthusiastically, earning a laugh from Hartley.

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