On a mission-Leonard Snart

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Imagine you went with your boyfriend Leonard on one of his heist missions. You're currently sitting in the car, outside the venue you are going to rob.

"Now remember Y/N, follow my lead, don't get distracted, and most importantly don't get caught." Leonard said looking at you expectantly. You nodded and hopped out of the car with him. Like he said, you followed his lead all the way into the building, making sure to keep your face concealed and your body hidden.

You continued to walk forward until Leonard stopped short, causing you to run into him. 

"What the h-" You began. Leonard put his hand over your mouth and put a finger to his lips. You nodded. Suddenly, Leonard walked out from the wall and motioned for you to stay put. He got behind the guard and swiftly hit him on the head with his gun. You then made your way over to your boyfriend who was trying to crack the security password on the door. 

Pushing Leonard aside, you began typing on the keyboard until you finally gained access a couple of seconds later. Leonard smiled at you and gave you a quick peck on the lips before stepping inside the room.

You carefully followed him, until he gestured for you to keep watch at the door. As you were keeping watch, you noticed this room was a supply closet, as it contained weapons, armour, and the safe, hidden in the back of the room. You looked back at the door one last time and then walked over to the wall lined with armour, holding one up.

"Oh My Gosh! This would look so cute on you!" You exclaimed as you looked at Leonard. Your boyfriend scowled. "I'm trying to crack a safe, be quiet...."

You set the armour down and continued to look until Leonard finally got the safe open and emptied its contents into a bag. He then stood up and stalked over to you.

"Ready to go?" You nodded and he took you hand in his. You two got out into the hallway and before long were running in an attempt to escape the guards who finally realized they were being robbed.

You and Leonard laughed as you ran out into the cool night, jumping in the car and fleeing the scene.

"That was fun babe, let's do it again..." You said clasping your hands together.

Leonard looked over at you and smiled. 

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