Dance studio-Julian Alberts (Part One)

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First off, I want to apologize for how long it took me to write this, but school has been kind of crazy these last few weeks 🤦🏻‍♀️. With that being said though, I finally have this request finished for you and am really proud of how it turned out. Shoutout to @kayla_cruz2019 for this imagine's idea. I hope you enjoy it!

Imagine you were heading off to work. It was no big deal really, except you had never told your friends, let alone your boyfriend Julian where you worked. You figured it was no big deal and that it wasn't important enough to bring up considering the lives your friends ran. You had planned on telling them eventually, except you didn't think you'd have to do it today.

You made your way across the vacant street. Luckily for you, no one was on the North side of town, since they were all piled around the park for an event centered around the Flash and his team. You were of course a little upset that you couldn't attend, but happy that everyone else was preoccupied—it made sneaking away to work so much easier.

The weather outside was warm, luckily for you. You weren't exactly dressed in heavy clothing, merely sporting gym clothes.

As you rounded the corner, the sign reading Milestone Dance came into view. You smiled to yourself and jogged up to the doorway of the building.

Upon entering the dance studio, you were greeted with the familiar smell of pine and cinnamon.

"Ms. Y/N!" You heard someone yell. You looked up to see a teenage girl standing in front of you. Her black curly hair bounced lightly as she danced eagerly in place.

"Maia, it's good to see you! How was winter break?" You asked. The girl smiled.

"You know all good things, all good things," she said. You eyed her suspiciously, taking note of her wider than usual smile. Then you remembered her plan she told you about two weeks ago.

"So considering your huge smile and more-eager-than-usual attitude, I'm going to assume you got that girl's number?" You said. Maia giggled.

"Yep and I got her to join me today for the class," she added. You chuckled.

"Nice, I suppose that means you're trying to impress her?" Maia nodded.

"Okay well we'll start with your song first, you practiced right?" You asked.

"Of course, now lets go," Maia said. You chuckled as she dragged you towards the room where the rest of your students sat waiting. As you entered the room, the class broke out in a fit of excitement. They all ran towards you and engulfed you in a group hug.

You laughed. "Aww thanks guys, I love you too," you said. When the hug broke apart, you moved to the front of the room as the rest of the students moved to their places in front of you.

"Well let me begin by saying welcome back, I've missed each and every one of you," you said.

The students smiled widely and some gave an aww in response.

You continued, a smirk spread across your face. "I hope you all have gotten a chance to meet her, but we have a new student today, Emma." You said, gesturing towards the girl, who waved at those surrounding her.

"I hope you all help her feel like a part of this family even if she's only here for a short time. So, let's get this show on a roll because I've missed dancing with you guys," you said. You motioned for Maia and another student to come up to the front.

"Alright let's start with some energy people. How about Finesse?" You asked.

Your comment was met with cheers and excitement as everyone readied themselves to dance.

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