My boyfriend's a jerk-Barry Allen

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Imagine you and your boyfriend Barry got into a fight and you decide to take a breather.

"Y/N! Where are you going?!" Barry yelled as you stalked out of the kitchen and grabbed your coat. 

"Out. I need air, if I stay in here any longer I'm going to say something I regret." You said slipping your jacket on and then your shoes. 

"Come on Y/N, it's really late outside, what if you get hurt?" He asked, hands on his hips. You rolled your eyes.

"I can handle myself Barry..." You mumbled lacing up your last shoe.

"I know babe, but I can't sit in here a worry about you." He said. You looked up at him with fire in your eyes.

"How do you think I feel every night Barry? When you don't come home until 11 o'clock at night or when you don't even come home until the next day?" You asked, the tears threatening to spill.

"I've told you before Y/N, I was at work." He said calmly. You shook your head and walked towards the door.

"For some reason I don't believe you Barry." You said turning back to him before walking out of the door.

You walked out of the apartment complex and over to the black ladder on the side of the building. You carefully pulled it down and began to ascend to the top. You finally made it and soon found yourself sitting in the middle of the roof, gazing down at Central City. Almost an instant later, you felt a 'whoosh' and looked back to see the Flash standing behind you.

"Is there a reason you're up here?" You asked with a snarky tone.

"No need to be rude, it's a free roof." The Flash said walking closer to you.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you, I'm just irritated." You said sighing.

"Care to explain why?" He asked sitting down next to you. You looked over at him briefly.

"I really don't think I should tell you, it wouldn't be appropriate." The Flash pursed his lips.

"I promise I won't tell, besides do you have anyone else to tell?" He asked. You looked at him oddly and then shook it off.

"No, no friends, family is across the country, boyfriend is the reason so...Sure, I guess I'll tell you." You said shrugging.

"Great. Maybe I can provide some advice..." The Flash said before you spoke.

"Basically it's just problems with my boyfriend...I feel like I can hardly trust him anymore, and that's not something I should feel after being with him for a year." You began before looking over at the man next to you. 

"How come?" He asked finally speaking.

"Well it started with the late nights and then he wouldn't answer my phones calls...Then I saw him hanging around his best friend whose a girl more than me," You began. "Then I started googling these things and found several articles on cheating, so that thought swam around my head for awhile, the thing is, I don't want to believe that that's true because I can't see my boyfriend doing anything like that." You said uneasily.

"He probably isn't, no one in their right mind would cheat on someone as beautiful as you. Maybe he does just work late." The Flash added. You looked over at him and sighed.

"You're probably right..." You said.

"Why don't you talk to your boyfriend about it?" He asked. You let out a chuckle.

"I would but he doesn't exactly make it easy. Every time I ask him about the late nights, he tells me it's because of work. So then I ask him why his colleague can't stay late and he says 'It's not his case.' That then leads to me rolling my eyes and saying 'whatever,' which leads into an argument." You said annoyed. 

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