Let's talk future-Hartley

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Imagine you and Hartley have been dating for a year and during your one year anniversary your decide to have a talk about the future.

You sat on your couch next to your boyfriend with your head resting on your arm. "Hey babe?" You asked looking still at the couch.

"Yes?" He asked. You looked up at him. "Do you think we'll still be together in two years times? Or four?" You asked concerned. Hartley chuckled before reaching out to grab your free hand.

"What brought this up?" You shrugged.

"It's just that after today I began to really think about everything and how I couldn't see a future without you." Hartley smiled. "I can't either."

You smiled and leaned over to peck his lips. After you kissed him, you pulled back but Hartley pulled you into him to cuddle. You giggled as he kissed your forehead.

"You know what I think babe?" He asked.


"I think you and I aren't going to be together for the next four years." You shifted uneasily. "No?"

"No, I think you and I are going to be together way longer." You smiled. 


"Yeah." You grabbed his right hand and held it in yours. "So approximately how long?" He chuckled.

"Eternity, we'll be together even in the afterlife." He said smiling. "So does that mean we can haunt people together? I mean we could have quite a lot of fun messing with the ghost hunters." You asked chuckling.


"Hartley? Can you you tell me about the future?" He rubbed your hand. "I'm not a physic Y/N..."

"I know but I want to hear what you think the future is going to hold." 

"Okay....Well first off, in a couple of years, we're going to get married and have a small wedding with our closest friends and family."

"Except my Aunt Sara, she just causes trouble." You added. Hartley chuckled.

"Except for your Aunt Sara...We'll then go on a honeymoon to wherever your heart desires and have so much fun."

"What about you? Why don't we go where your heart desires?" You asked looking up at him.

"Sure, if that's what you want..." You nodded. "What are we going to do when we get back?" You asked intrigued. Hartley chuckled as he brushed back your hair.

"We'll come back to our jobs and save up money, living as a married couple does. We'll have weekend dates, get too lazy to cook and end up eating microwave dinners, and have little fights, but in the end we'll love each other." You smirked.

"Then when we got enough money in savings, we'll have kids."

"And a dog?" Hartley laughed. "And a dog."

You pushed yourself up and turned around looking Hartley in the eyes. "The future seems like a nice place." He looked at you and smirked.

"It does babe, but we're only 25, let's live in the moment." He then pulled you into a kiss. "I know it's only been a year but I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Hartley."

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