Teach me a phrase-Iris West

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By the way, I don't actually know French so because of this and the fact that I don't trust google translate, I'm not actually going to use any French in the below imagines. Apologies but I don't want to mess something up. I know it's odd that I would do an imagine with a language I don't know but this idea seemed really cute so I decided to do it. Thanks and enjoy!

Imagine you and Iris have been dating for 6 months and one day you get mad at her and yell but not in English, in your first language.

Iris stared back at you in astonishment. "Whoa..." Was all she could get out. You furrowed your eyebrows at her.

"What?" Iris giggled like a weirdo. "What? Babe tell me, is there something on me?" Iris shook her head.

"No, it's just that hearing you talk French was totally sexy." You rolled your eyes but couldn't resist smirking.

"So now that we aren't fighting can you teach me a phrase in French?"

"Who says we're not still fighting?" You asked walking into the kitchen.

"Well I mean it's not like we can pick it back up after I called you sexy..." Iris said shrugging as she moved closer to you.

"So what do you say? Can you just teach me one phrase?" You looked at her and then back at the fridge where you were heading. "Fine, but let it be known that any other person wouldn't get this chance, I would have chosen the fridge." Iris clasped her hands together and pulled you over to her dining room table where you sat down.

"Okay ready?" Iris nodded and then you proceeded to teach her something that she could use daily. About ten minutes later, you felt after repeating it several times agonizingly slow she'd got it so you let her try. Iris inhaled and then spoke, saying everything wrong and out of order.
You sat back in your chair and laughed uncontrollably.

"What? Did I do it right?" Iris asked eagerly as she watched you. You shook your head and struggled to get words out of your mouth. After a minute you calmed down and spoke.

"You called my mom a hoe." You said wiping tears from your eyes. Iris looked at you timidly.

"Sorry..." She mumbled. You smiled and stood up walking over to her. You put your finger under her chin and lifted her head.

"Hey it's okay, I thought it was funny, it's just one little mistake."

"But I called your mom a hoe." Iris laughed out. You chuckled and shrugged.

"I'll call her and tell her you're sorry if that makes you feel better babe." Iris nodded and smiled.

"Well Iris, we learned something new today..."

"Yeah? And what's that?" She asked jokingly.

"That if we ever go to my home town, I'll do the talking, we wouldn't want to saying something irrational or insulting." Iris chuckled. "I guess not, so what are we doing the rest of the day? I need to distract my mind from playing that embarrassing moment over and over in my head."

"We can go see a movie?" You asked questioningly. Iris nodded.

"But first let me call my mom." You said grabbing your phone out of your back pocket. You clicked on her contact and waited for her to pick up and in an instant she did.
She talked to you in French and after she talked your ear off about things that had happened back home you told her about what Iris did. That earned you a gasp before you told her Iris wanted you to call her and apologize. Your mom then burst out laughing and told you she had to get off the phone because she was going to pee herself. You said goodbye and hung up.

"So?" Iris asked uneasily.

"So she almost died laughing and told me to tell you that you aren't wrong. She said in her younger days she wasn't totally innocent, if you get what I'm saying," you said awkwardly.

Iris's face turned bright red. "She told you that?" You nodded and laughed pulling Iris into a hug.

"I'm scarred for life..." She mumbled into your shoulder.

"Sorry babe, you want to go see a movie now?" She nodded and you took her left hand as she used her right hand to lock the door. Poor Iris....You thought. She's had a rough day.

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