Pool time-Jesse Wells

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Imagine Jesse had just gotten to Central City about a month ago and you wanted to take Jesse on a date so you go to Harry to ask permission.

You walked into S.T.A.R. Labs and were greeted by the smiling face of Cisco.

"Y/N, hey!" You smiled at him.

"Hi Cisco, do you know where Harry is?" Cisco nodded. "Downstairs in his work place."

"Thanks." You said smiling as you walked off towards where Harry was. Soon you were standing in the frame of the door, looking in at a messy room. Harry didn't move at all.

"Y/N, so nice to see you, what do you want?" He asked getting straight to the point.

"You just assume I wanted something?" You asked. He spun around to you and stared up at you blankly.

"Right well, I wanted to know if it would be okay if I take Jesse on a date?" You asked confidently.

"You have to ask me to take Jesse on a date?" He asked.

"Well if I didn't I'm pretty sure you'd be mad, so I thought I'd just stray away from your angry side and just ask you for permission." You said rambling. Harry looked at you seriously.

"You're a good kid Y/N..." He began. Your face lit up and you knew for sure he was going to say 'yes'.

"But the answer is 'no.'" He said, returning to his work. Your face took on a sad expression.

"Why not?" You asked.

"Because I don't want you to hurt her." 

"I won't." You said defensively. 

"Yes you will, I don't plan on being here on Earth One for long so eventually we'll leave and you'll have to break her heart." 

You rolled your eyes. "Whatever..." You mumbled.

"You know Y/N, I don't know why you came here if you didn't like my answer." He said.

"I came here because I thought you were going to go give me a chance and say 'yes.'" You replied.

"Well that's not what happened." You rolled your eyes and stormed out of the room, crashing into Jesse. 

"Woah Y/N, what's wrong?" She asked.

"It's nothing." You said nervously.

"Come on, you can tell me." 

You looked into her soft eyes and thought long and hard about the next sentence that came out of your mouth.

"Jesse Wells, will you go out with me?" You asked. She looked at you and smiled.

"Sure, where to?" Your eyes widened and you suddenly realized you hadn't gotten that far. She looked at you and chuckled.

"How about the pool?" She asked smiling. You nodded.

"Are you free tomorrow afternoon?" You asked.

"For you, I will be." She said. You smiled.

----Time Skip----

You stood outside Jesse and Harry's apartment in your swimwear waiting for Jesse who you just texted. No way were you about to knock on the door, you couldn't risk Harry finding out. 

Soon enough, Jesse slipped out the door and was standing in front of you. You gawked at how beautiful she looked.

"Wow Jesse, you look really good."

"Thanks, the only thing I really changed from every other day was the swimsuit..." She said smiling.

"I-I didn't mean it like that, I wasn't saying you look more beautiful in less clothes or-You look cuter in more clothes though-" You rambled on before Jesse cut you off.

"It's okay Y/N, I know what you meant." She said chuckling. You nodded and walked with her out of the building.

Soon the two of you were standing by some beach chairs at the local pool. You looked around at all of the people and heaved a sigh.

"It's a lot of people right? Too bad there isn't another pool..." She said. You nodded and turned towards Jesse.

"Are we really going in that water?" You asked.

"Why wouldn't we? We're in swim clothes..." She asked confused.

"It's just that there's so many kids in there and they probably peed somewhere." Jesse let out a chuckle.

"Y/N, it's fine, you can shower afterwards, just don't drink any of it." 

"Okay..." You said walking nervously to the pool's edge. You were about to abort mission when Jesse suddenly rammed you into the water, causing a big splash of water to erupt from the pool. A few people tanning got soaked.

"Oh come on!" One lady shouted angrily. You looked back up at Jesse who went 'oops.'" You laughed.

"Come on, I'll save you." You said holding out your arms. Jesse smirked and jumped in the water soaking the lady again. She stood up angrily and stalked off.

"God damn kids..." You looked at Jesse and laughed.

"Way to go Jesse, soaked a poor woman trying to tan." She stuck her tongue out at you. Suddenly you realized you were still holding her in your arms as the two of you floated there. 

"Sorry..." You muttered pulling away. Jesse smiled.

"It's okay...Hey, do you want to have a contest to see who can hold their breath underwater the longest?" You smirked and the two of you dove down at the same time. You sat under the water, thinking of your happy place, exceeding the time Jesse was underwater by about thirty seconds. You dove to the surface and pumped your arm in the air.

"Winner!" You shouted. Jesse rolled her eyes jokingly. For the next hour, the two of you messed around in the water together and when you finally felt tired, got out.

"You want to go get something to eat?" Jesse asked. You nodded.

"There should be a pizza place around here somewhere..." You said. 

"Okay, pizza sounds good." 

You and Jesse collected your things from your lockers and got changed before you headed out to the parking lot to get in your car.  

"It's so toasty out here!" Jesse called.

"I know, that water was super cold." You said chuckling. Jesse smiled and followed you to the trunk to put her bags away. You opened the truck, allowing Jesse to place her stuff neatly in the back. You looked over at her as she did so and forgot to look away when she looked back.

"Sorry..." You muttered. Jesse chuckled before she leaned in to kiss you. The kiss lasted several minutes and you felt your lips tingling for more afterwords.

"Sorry..." She muttered jokingly. You smirked and closed the trunk. 

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