Late night drive-Eddie Thawne

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Imagine you can't get to sleep and you're constantly tossing and turning. Finally, you give up and walk into the kitchen, where your husband Eddie is currently finishing up a few police reports.

"Hey sweetheart, having a rough night?" Eddie asked, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. Your hair was an absolute mess, you lost one sock, and you were currently rubbing your eyes. 

You walked over to him and sat down in the bar stool next to his. You laid your face down on the counter and watched as he wrote cautiously with his black inked pen. Eddie then set his pen down as he finished his last sentence and looked over at you sadly. 

"Everything alright?" He tried again. You shrugged.

"I just can't sleep," you said. Eddie pursed his lips before bringing his hand to your hair and caressing it gently. 

"Got to brush that mane down Y/N," he said jokingly. You smiled at his joke but that soon faded as you were too tired to actually laugh. 

"Hey, how about we go for a drive? I mean it's nice and cool outside and maybe that'll be enough to make you fall asleep," Eddie said. You sat up, causing Eddie to pull his hand back.

"Look at me Eds, I can't go out looking like this and I'm too tired to fix it," you said, gesturing to your hair. Eddie smiled.

"You look perfect honey," he said. You looked at him, unmoved.

"You're just saying that because you're my husband," you said. Eddie sighed.

"Well then, go get me a hair brush and I'll brush your hair. I like to think I'm pretty good at styling my own hair anyways," he said. You nodded and left to grab the hair brush from the bathroom. When you returned, Eddie began gently brushing your hair, careful to not yank through any knots. It didn't take long before your hair was brushed, that now left the clothing problem. 

"Now what about my clothes?" you asked. Eddie raised an eyebrow at you.

"I can assure you, we're not getting out of the car Y/N, no one will see you," he said smiling. 

"But-but what if on the way down there, we witness a murder and then we have to wait until the police show up and then I'm wearing this?" you said. 

"Y/N, I am the police," Eddie remarked.

"Okay, but what if we get into a car accident and the paramedics find me in this?" you said, gesturing to your one sock. Eddie shook his head before holding up a finger and walking over to you. He then lifted your foot and slipped the sock off.

"There," he said, smiling up at you. 

"Now I'm barefoot, my feet are going to get dirty," you said pouting. 

"I can't win with you, you know that?" Eddie said laughing as he walking into your bedroom. He then came out with a pair of your slippers and a blanket. You slipped into the slippers before raising an eyebrow at Eddie.

"What's the blanket for?" you asked. Eddie gave you a half smile before wrapping the blanket around you.

"To keep you warm," he said. You smiled.

"Ready?" he asked. You nodded. Eddie smiled and led you out the door and down to the car, allowing you to use him as a shield so no one saw you. 

----Time Skip----

You sat in the car, warming yourself up with the heat that was now being blown throughout the car from the vents. Eddie fiddled with the radio next to you, looking for the right station, finally finding it. 

You watched as Eddie turned the volume down low, before turning towards you with a smile. 

"Any particular route you want to take hon?" he asked. You shook your head.

"I'll leave that up to you luv," you said sweetly. Eddie nodded and turned his attention to the rode ahead.  After a couple minutes of silence, you began to speak.

"Thanks for driving me around Eddie, I know you were busy and all," you said. Eddie glanced over at you before turning back to the road. 

"Anytime hon, besides you saved me from my work," Eddie said chuckling. 

"Anytime, I'm glad to be your hero for once," you said jokingly. Eddie smirked.

"Hero Y/N, saving people from horrendous work and brightening days. It's got a nice ring to it," he said. You smiled and leaned your head against the door frame. 

"Getting sleepy already?" Eddie asked, looking at you out of the corner of his eye. You yawned.

"Yeah-yeah...I'm just going to shut my eyes for a minute if that's okay with you. I can stay awake and talk if you want," you said tiredly. 

"No, you sleep, you look tired," Eddie said. You nodded and closed your eyes, letting Eddie's smooth driving, the warmth of the car, and the soft music playing throughout the speakers soothe you to sleep. 

You were later woken up my the car falling into something before popping back out. You opened your eyes and looked over at an irritated Eddie. 

You yawned and stretched out before sitting up. You looked out the window and followed along the street until your found the reason for the car bouncing. You spotted a pothole and chuckled. 

Eddie jumped a little and turned to you briefly. "Jeez Y/N, you scared me."

You giggled. "Sorry, I just thought it funny that the city still hasn't filled those potholes."

Eddie smiled. "How long has it been again? Since we were in high school right?" You nodded and smiled.

"Remember when you just got your license and decided to take me out and you ended up taking a pothole too fast? Scratched the car pretty good. Your dad was so pissed," you said laughing at the memory.

"Trust me, I remember. He made me pay to have it fixed and wouldn't let me drive for a week," Eddie said smiling.

"Luckily I had my license," you commented. Eddie nodded. 

"At least you managed to avoid the potholes, I can't ever seem to." 

"It takes skill luv, which of course you don't have," you said laughing. Eddie glanced at you smirking. 

"There's the energetic love of my life. Are you ready to go home then?" he asked. 

"That's probably best, unless we want to pay for a whole tank of gas tomorrow," you said giggling. 

"Uh yeah...We've used a lot of gas tonight...Guess we're going home then," Eddie said. You nodded. 

"Want to watch a movie when we get home?" you asked. 

"Sure, what do you want to watch?" You smirked.

"How about 27 Dresses?" you asked. Eddie chuckled. 

"Why am I not surprised?" he asked. 

"Because at this point in a marriage, you just know you'll never get away from certain movies," you pointed out. Eddie sighed.

"Alright let's watch Jane fall in love for the hundredth time," he said. You smiled.

"I promise I'll make it up to you, we can watch one of your favorites tomorrow," you said. Eddie smiled as he pulled in front of the apartment.

"I'd love that, now let's get you inside. Do you want me to shield you again?" he asked. You shook your head and pushed the door open.

"Nah, if the neighbors have a problem, they can fight me," you said, stepping out of the car. Eddie did the same and met you on the other side of the car. 

You snuggled up next to him and wrapped the blanket around him. "Let's go watch that movie luv," you said before planting a kiss on his cheek. 

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