Power Outage-Joe West

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Imagine you and your husband Joe have had a long week at CCPD with the endless Meta-human cases and decide to have a relaxing night on Friday, the thing is, not everything goes as planned.

You and Joe walked hand in hand into the pizza parlor, the amazing smell of freshly made pizza beating through your nostrils. The two of you walked up to the counter and were greeted with a smile from the young employee.

"How are you guys doing today?" She asked. You smiled back at her.

"Good, how about you?" You asked in return.

"Wonderful, thanks for asking. What can I get started for you?" She asked. You turned towards Joe who shrugged.

"We could just get a large cheese pizza and two drinks." He said. You nodded and turned back to the cashier to order. After ordering, the two of you filled up your cups and sat down to wait for your food. 

"So what are we watching tonight?" Joe asked, folding the receipt in half and then again. 

"We can watch the original Star Wars series again, that's pretty fun to watch." You said. Joe chuckled.

"Again?! Didn't you just watch that last week?" He asked. You smiled and nodded.

"Come on, it would allow for several hours of cuddling." You said. Joe looked at you and smiled.

"Alright." He finally said. "But on one condition."

"And what is that?" You asked, raising your right eyebrow. 

"You have to help me write my stack of police reports." He said. You nodded.

"Alright, that seems fair." You said. Soon your pizza came out and you grabbed it before leaving the place with your food, drinks, and your husband.

----Time Skip----

Joe stood in the living room, fixing up the coffee table and setting down the drinks and food. You walked into the bedroom and grabbed the stack of Star Wars movies off the shelf and then moved to the laundry room where you pulled the comforter out of the dryer. Arms full, you walked back into the living room where Joe was turning on the TV. You looked at the coffee table which was neatly set. The napkins sat on the left next to the plates and drinks. In the center sat the pizza and directly next to that sat the bowl of candy you had left from Halloween. 

Joe sat on the couch, resting the remote on its arm. You moved over to the DVD player and stuck the movie in before sitting down on the couch and snuggling up against your husband. 

"Ready?" He asked. You nodded. Joe hit "play" on the remote and the movie started up. You leaned over and grabbed a slice of pizza for the both of you. You handed Joe his piece and then  bit into the pizza, your mouth watering at how good it tasted and just when you were about to take another, all the lights in the house shut off along with the TV. 

You set your pizza and plate down on the table. "Great..." You mumbled and sat up along with Joe. "Should I call Iris and ask if hers is out too?" You asked Joe.

"Uh yeah, I'll go break into the flashlight supply" He said and the both of you stood up.

You dialed Iris's number, getting impatient when she didn't answer right away.

"Hey Iris, is your power out?" You asked her. Iris sighed.

"Yes...It's so dark, luckily we have candles and flashlights." She said. 

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't just something with the house." You replied.

"Yeah, that house is pretty old, so you never know." She said laughing. You laughed too.

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