Mission-Leonard Snart

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Imagine you are Barry's younger sibling and you tend to go on missions with him. For the past few days, Barry and Oliver have been working alongside Captain Cold. Unfortunately for them, you've grown very fond of the former criminal and have been looking for excuses to hang out with him.

"Alright we need two people to go and check out the basement while the others search the second floor," Barry explained. You jumped with joy at the mission.

"I'll go with Leonard," you said eagerly. You threw a glance at Leonard who was looking back at you with a smirk.

Your brother cocked his head to the side.  "How about you and I go together and Oliver-" he began.

Leonard waved his hand. "Barry, it seems your sister already has it figured out. We wouldn't want to waste anymore time now would we?" He asked, glancing at you briefly. You felt your stomach turn upside down and your cheeks go slightly red.

"Fine," your brother gave in. "You two take the basement we'll take the second floor...No funny business," he warned.

"None at all," you replied, giving him a half smile.

As your brother and Oliver walked away, you turned towards Leonard who was watching you with squinted eyes and a crooked smile.

He began walking. "So, why'd you want to come with me so bad darling?" He asked. You paled as you tried to come up with an appropriate response while also trying to not focus on the nickname he had just given you.

"Uh...I...You seem like a cool guy," you stammered out. You grimaced at your word choice, but luckily it didn't seem to faze Leonard who stopped dead in his tracks.

You followed in his footsteps and slowly raised your gun up higher. He glanced back at you as if trying to understand something.

After several seconds of nonstop eye contact, he finally spoke. "Do you hear that?"

You furrowed your eyebrows at him, but listened.

"It sounds like metal being bashed together," you whispered. Leonard's eyebrows knitted together.

"Do you think someone is trying to draw us out?" He asked. You gulped.

"Only one way to find out," you said, "come on." You moved past Leonard and towards the staircase. You glanced back at him and nodded before slowly proceeding down the stairs.

You breathed out as quietly as you could. As you went lower, the metal banging grew louder, it was almost intolerable at this point. You rounded the corner and were met with a dark room filled with vacant manufacturing equipment. You turned back to Leonard who stared back at you with worried eyes—you'd never seen him like this.

Quickly turning back around, you proceeded further into the room. The banging stopped. You and Leonard froze in place, trying to see everything in the room. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw something run by.

Letting out a shaky breath, you turned in the direction of the mysterious shadow, only to be met with the face of a small child.

The hair on the back of your neck stood up. "Leo tell me I'm not the only one seeing this," you whispered. Leonard stepped closer to you.

"Unfortunately no."

You cleared your throat and squatted down until you were at eye level with the girl.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing down here?" You asked. The girl stared back at you unmoved. You glanced wearily up at Leonard who shared your same uneasy expression.

"Are you hurt?" Leonard asked. You turned back to the girl who began to giggle furiously.

"No, but you're going to be," she said. The color drained out of your face as the little girl began to run towards you.

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