You're still here?-Harry Wells

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Imagine you had been helping Team Flash with their Devoe problem all day, thinking of new theories and ideas, so much that you ended up staying way after everyone. When you've finally had enough, you packed up your things and decided head out, unaware that you weren't the last person there.

You slipped on your coat and reached for your phone, sliding it into your back pocket. You then began to walk out of the room and upstairs where you were about to leave, but stopped when you heard a noise.

"Dammit..." You heard from inside the room. You snuck closer to the room and peered in, seeing Harry writing vigorously on the clear board.

"Harry? You're still here?" You asked. Harry turned around, making eye contact with you.

"Yeah, did you expect me to go home?" He snapped. You threw your hands up in defense.

"Hey whoa, calm down, I was just confused." You said. Harry put his hand on his forehead.

"Sorry Y/N, I'm just stressed with this Devoe situation." He said.

"It's okay...Do you want any help?" You asked, walking into the room. Harry looked at you in a way that said Oh God no.

You pursed your lips. "You know, never mind. How about we go do something fun." You said. Harry looked at you uneasily.

"Come on Harry, you'll have better results if you let your mind rest for a little bit." You said. Harry sighed.

"I don't know Y/N, I'm still a fugitive and what if someone notices me?" He asked. You raised an eyebrow him.

"Harry, it's the middle of the night, plus you'll have your all black ensemble on, so no one will look too closely at you." You said reassuringly. Harry looked away from you and down at the table.

"Alright, but let's not do anything too stupid." He said. You shook your head at his lack of enthusiasm.

——Time Skip——
You climbed into the car, Harry following, sitting down in the passengers seat. You reached over and turned the heat on and then the radio.

"Any preference for station?" You asked. Harry stared blankly at you.

"Okay..." You mumbled, before changing to a station that played old pop hits all night. You cranked the volume up to 10 and stared at Harry with a grin as Poker Face by Lady Gaga rang through your speakers.

"Y/N...What is this?" He asked. You looked at him stunned.

"You don't have a Lady Gaga on your earth?!" You asked alarmed.

"Yeah, but on our earth, she's the leader of a notorious sewer gang." He said. You let out a chuckle before pulling out of your parking spot and driving away from S.T.A.R Labs.

"Well on earth one, she's a singer." You said. Harry stared out the window, not saying a word.

"So Harry, do you want to talk about it?" You asked. He continued to look out the window.

"Talk about what?" You glanced over at him briefly before pulling the car into the parking lot of a 24 hour grocery store. You turned the car off and looked over at them seriously.

"Obviously you have a lot in your mind and it seems to me like you need to vent to someone." You said. Harry met your gaze.

"Fine." He said. You looked at him expectantly, causing him to sigh. "I'm just so stressed lately, Jessie hates me, I can hardly go outside anymore in fear of being recognized, I feel like all the pressure is on me to find an answer to catch Devoe, and..." He said.

"And what?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. He shook his head and looked away.

"No, never mind." He said. You pursed your lips, noticing how tense he suddenly was.

"Okay well I'm always here if you want to talk." You said. Harry nodded and looked back at you after a couple of minutes.

"Why are we just waiting here?" He asked. You smirked and opened your door.

"We're not, we're going inside the store to get snacks that'll keep us up all night." You said. Harry stared at you blankly for a moment, but couldn't help but smile.

——Time Skip——
"What even are these?" Harry asked, picking up the sugar coated candy worm.

"Only the best candy in the world to give you a sugar high." You said, pointing to the worm. Harry shrugged and shoved the candy in his mouth, his face taking on that of disgust.

"Ugh...It's texture is so bad..." He said. You let out a chuckle.

"Well I didn't say it was the best candy texture in the world." You pointed out. Harry looked back at you smiling and shaking his head. You smiled back at him and popped another gummy bear in your mouth.

"So Harry, you ready to tell me what else is on your mind?" You asked. Harry looked back up at you.

"Come on Y/N, can't you just drop it?" He asked. You shook your head.

"I want to know, not because I'm because nosy but because I'm worried. You're usually not this cold towards me." You said. Harry looked up at you with a saddened expression.

"I'm sorry, it's just that this problem I'm dealing with now, I haven't dealt with for awhile...My feeling are confusing me." Harry said.

You leaned over the table, gazing into his eyes. "Listen Harry, you can tell me anything, I won't judge." You said. Harry looked at you for a moment and then heaved a sigh before speaking.

"I like you Y/N." He said, only bringing his eyes to yours for a brief second before dropping them down to the ground. You smiled.

"You said you wouldn't judge." Harry said when he looked up and saw your expression after you didn't answer.

"I'm not judging, I'm just really happy." You said. Harry raised an eyebrow at you. You walked over to him and leaned down, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Because I like you too." You said.

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