Let's waste the night away-Julian Alberts

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Imagine you and Julian are going to Shakespeare in the Park to see Romeo and Juliet for your 5th date.

"Are you ready Y/N?" Julian asked as he held his hand out towards you before walking towards the park. You nodded and took his hand. You'd arrived to the park early enough that you were able to find seats right at the front, near the stage.

You both sat down and decided to talk before the play began as you still has a ton of time. 

"So Julian, how do you like working at S.T.A.R Labs?" You asked Julian, shifting your body, so that you were facing him.

"Uhh, I like it although Barry still gets on my nerves sometimes." He chuckled, running his hand threw his hair. "What about you?"

You shrugged. "I like it, I mean I get to work with my friends and all, but it's so time consuming. I can't remember the last time I didn't wake up at six in the morning, that's how much time I spend at the lab." You said smiling. You guys continued to talk some more.

Soon the play started and you and Julian watched the actors with intrigue. About half way through, you felt him take your hand in his, but let him as it comforted you.

---Time Skip---

"Well that was fun." You said smiling, while still holding Julian's hand as you walked.

"Yeah, would you like to do that again some time?" Julian asked nervously. 

You nodded and then spoke looking up at the sky waving your hand around dramatically. "My my, it is the east and Julian is the sun..." Julian tried to hide back a giggle but failed miserably. "That was actually horrible Y/N...Please never put me through that again." He chuckled. 

You smiled and stopped in your tracks, turning towards Julian, who looked at you confused. 

"Thus with a kiss I die..." You leaned forward and pushed your lips onto Julian's, who responded immediately. When the two of you broke apart you patted your head and then your stomach. "Huh? I'm not dead..." You said making Julian break into a smile.

"Hey Julian, I'm not ready to call it a night yet, what do you say we go get something to eat, I'll pay." You said looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Classy or Casual?"

"Casual." You responded.

"Big Belly Burger?" Julian asked smirking. You nodded and he took you hand back and intertwined it with his and you two set off towards the burger place with empty stomachs, but full energy to waste away that night. 

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