A little less party and a little more ice cream part one- Nora Allen

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Imagine a group of friends you'd known back in high school had invited you over for a Christmas Party. Normally you would have declined because you weren't really a party person, but you hadn't seen these people in a couple of years and felt the urge to rebuild the bonds your group had once had.

You stood in front of the mirror in your bedroom. You desperately pulled at the hem of your shirt--You couldn't decide whether to tuck it in or not and at this point, you had probably untucked your shirt about a million times. With a huff you gave up and let your shirt hang loose, not bothering to tuck it in anymore. You threw a glance around the room trying to find your keys. God, you were such a mess, you had nothing in order and were honestly too socially drained to go to this party.

You plopped down on your bed and threw your head in your hands. Did you really have to go? I mean you could always text your friends and tell them you suddenly got sick. You pursed your lips remembering you used that excuse last week to get out of movie night.

Finally, you gave in and stood up. The guilt of not showing up was beginning to out-weigh the anxiety of showing up to this unknown desolate, so you held your head up high and searched for your missing keys.

"A-ha!" You shouted as you found your keys hidden under a pile of papers. You snatched them up and made your way out of the house. Luckily, you lived just down the block from these friends and could easily walk there...Of course, you would never tell them that or they'd figure out ways to hang out at your house 24/7. You pushed open the door and suddenly became engulfed in the cold air...It was then that you remembered it was the middle of December and was supposed to snow tonight. You groaned and made your way over to your car.

"Fine, I'll waste gas on a five minute trip," you mumbled under your breath. To say you were already irritated was an understatement, you hated having to go anywhere that you didn't want to go, especially parties. You started the car and quickly turned the radio on. "Come on Britney, I need some music to prep me," you said. In the next moment, Circus by Britney Spears was blaring from your car's speakers. You smiled to yourself.

"We've got this..." You said, hopeful that tonight wouldn't turn out to be a total disaster.


You climbed out of your car and took in your friends' house. It was shabby that's for sure, but quaint, sort of homey. You made your way up to the red door that had a oddly calming affect on your already shaking self. Before you even touched the door to knock, it flew open.

"Y/N!!!" The woman shrieked. You winced and looked up to see a tall, blonde girl...Ally.

"Hi," you said softly. She scooped you into a hug. You closed into yourself and tried to avoid the hug, but were defeated nonetheless.

"Well, come on in, you must be freezing, you're practically shaking," she said, pulling away. Yeah freezing...More like anxious. You followed Ally into the living room. Your heart sank. There were about ten people huddled around on the sofas...Ten people you had never seen in your life.

"Everyone, meet Y/N L/N," Ally said, her voice projecting across the entire room. The party goers on the sofa all looked up and waved at you. Some smiled while others said 'hi.'

Your face reddened as you awkwardly waved back. This was social suicide and you desperately wanted to leave. You looked up at Ally.

"Hey...Where's Kody and April?" You asked upon realizing your other friends weren't there.

Ally chuckled. "Get this--I burned the turkey that we were supposed to have tonight so those two went to go pizza." She continued to laugh as if this was the funniest thing in the world. You tried to laugh along, but found yourself unable to do so...It just wasn't funny.

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