Proposal-Eddie Thawne

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Imagine you and your boyfriend Eddie have been dating for three years and lately he's become more and more sketchy. He's constantly claiming he has to work late nights and when he does come home, you rarely see him as he's 'working on a project.'

You walked through Central City, pushing back against the cold breeze. Even though it was late January, Central City residents still suffered cold nights and odd Weather changes, most likely caused by Meta-humans.

You let out a sigh and ran towards your car, hopping in. You inserted the key and after a minute turned the knob for the heater. Rubbing you hands on your arms, you embraced the warmth, before driving off towards your place.

You finally reached your's and your boyfriend's apartment, which was still as welcoming as before. Letting out a sigh of relief you climbed out of the car and ascended to the fourth floor where you casually threw open the door.

"I'm home babe!" You yelled as you removed your coat and shoes. You furrowed your eyebrows as you moved into the living room where you thought your boyfriend would be as it was his day off.

"Really..." You mumbled. You checked everywhere in the house except for the bedroom, which you finally walked into. The lights were turned down low and there were candles lit on the dresser and end tables.

"What a fire hazard..." You said to yourself as you suspiciously walked further into the room.

"Eddie...Are you in here?" You asked. You heard no reply but in the next instant felt hands on your shoulders. You jumped about a hundred feet in the air and turned around only to see your boyfriend smiling like a dork.

"Hey Y/N!" He said.

"Don't 'hey Y/N' me, you scared me half to death." You said lightly punching him on the arm. Eddie let out a chuckle but quickly concealed it when he saw you staring angrily at him.

"So Eddie...What's with all the candles?" You asked. Eddie's face brightened again and he took your hand. "Well Y/N, I have a surprise for you but first you have to go on a little tour with me."

You stared at him oddly. "A tour where?"

"Around the bedroom of course." Eddie replied before pulling you towards the wall closest to the door. You furrowed your eyebrows but quickly brushed his weirdness off, he was always weird so what's the difference now?

Eddie stopped walking and pointed to the wall which was covered in photos. You glanced at this wall a second time before taking in the rest of the room. You finally saw that Eddie had made four collages of photos on each wall.

"These photos are from that day you got your new camera and did nothing but take dramatic photos of us." Eddie said. You glanced back at the wall you were next to and gazed around at all the photos before you smiled.

"I loved that, you looked so good in all those photos." You said.

"Correction babe, we looked so good." Eddie said. You chuckled. "I remember I made you drive all the way to the park so we could take photos. I think we took at least a million...Didn't we get those put on a disc so we could watch them on the TV?" You asked.

"Yeah, it took like a hour to get through them all." Eddie said chuckling before leading you to the next collage.

"Wait-These are the ones from my sister's wedding when we kept harassing the photographer to take more and more stupid photos of us." You said looking at the pictures.

"Yep and eventually he went to tell your sister, who of course told him she isn't paying him to sit around." Eddie added.

"I've never seen a man angrier than then." You laughed. Eddie led you to the next set.

"Remember these?" He asked pointing to the pictures of you and him at the hospital. They were from when Eddie was attacked by a Meta-human and broke his arm, so you took silly pictures together to cheer him up.

"You looked so cute even with your broken arm babe." You said smiling. Eddie looked over at you and smiled. He pointed to a picture on the far right corner.

"This one's my favorite."

"Why?" You asked, looking at the picture of you sitting next to Eddie on the hospital bed, the both of you smiling your biggest and most awkward smile ever. "We look like crazy people." You said.

"That's because we are Y/N, but that's not why I like it. I like this one in particular because it shows that no matter what had just happened, no matter my broken arm, we were still able to have fun and smile together." Eddie said pulling you in for a hug. You smiled into his shoulder and when he pulled away, you walked after him as he went to the last collage of photos.

"Finally we have the photos from when we went to the Dog Park." He said.

"Oh right and people kept asking us if we had a dog and we said 'no,' earning us dirty looks."

"Yeah But forget them, we got amazing pictures that day, especially great ones with the dogs." Eddie said smiling. You smiled too.

"I love the one with the little dachshund, he was the cutest." You said.

"Yeah and that type of dog is small enough to fit in our place, it'd be like a mansion to him." Eddie said.

"Eddie, are you asking me if you can get a dog?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Kind of, but I have another question for you." He replied. You nodded.

"Alright shoot." You said. Eddie inhaled and then got on one knee, pulling out a ring. You stared down at him with a smile.

"Y/N Y/LN will you let me become your photography test subject forever and always?" Eddie asked smirking up at you. You tried to contain a smirk but failed.

"Mr. Thawne are you asking me to marry you?" You asked.

"That's exactly what I'm doing." He replied. You smiled a huge smile and pulled him to his feet and into a hug. Eddie gladly accepted the embrace.

"That's a yes, I take it?" He asked.

"Yes!" You said excitedly. Eddie chuckled and slipped the ring onto your finger.

"It looks natural." Eddie said making you smile.

"I love you Eddie." You said smiling down at the ring and then up at him.

"I love you Y/N." He said.

"So Eddie, is this why you've been so distant lately?" You asked. Eddie nodded.

"Yeah, but I really was at work, but I wasn't working on cases, I was working on choosing photos on my computer. And then I went to the store to get them printed. You're not mad are you?" He asked. You shook your head.

"Now that I know the truth, no I'm not mad. I'm actually happy, happy that I have a boyfriend who cared so much about making the perfect proposal." You said. Eddie smiled widely.

"So what do you say we go celebrate by watching that CD with all your amazing photography on it?" Eddie asked.

"I'd love that." You said walking hand in hand with Eddie out of the bedroom. A moment later you ran back into the bedroom and over to each of the candles, blowing them out.

"That could have been a mess..." You mumbled before running back into the living room where Eddie was waiting on the couch.

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