Proposal-Harry Wells

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Imagine you and Harry have been dating for at least a year now and the two of you really love each other. One day Harry comes to you and asks you if you'd like to go to the beach and you happily agree, but the strange thing is-He told you not to bring your bathing suit.

You looked at Harry oddly before your face lit up in surprise. "Oh! You want to go skinny dipping. But Harry? It's like really early, people will definitely notice something like that," you said in realization. Harry looked at you surprised. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Uh no...I...Uh...I wanted to go there to explore the area with you," he said. You let out a sigh of relief. 

"Okay, I'll go put my bathing suit away...And I hope you don't take offense to my sigh hon, it's just that something as adventurous as skinny dipping is definitely something you don't do in the day, believe me I know," you said before turning to walk away.

"Wait-Y/N," you heard Harry say before he reached for your arm to stop you. You spun around to him.

"What did you mean 'you know?'" he asked, trying to decipher the meaning behind this comment. You smiled and leaned over to give him a kiss on the nose.

"That's a story for another time, let's just say it involves me and my first bottle of whiskey," you said before turning around and heading for your bedroom. Harry continued to stand there, bewildered and concerned.

——Time Skip——

You and Harry walked hand in hand, down the wooded path, before the two of you were forced to step on the deep sandy ground that covered the area around the blue ocean before you.

"Wow, it's really empty out here, I guess everyone was too busy to come out here today," you commented. Harry grunted in response and began pulling you closer and closer to the water.

"Harry, I thought we weren't going in," you said worried. He turned around to you.

"We're not, I'm just looking for something," he said. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion but shrugged it off. After all, it was Harry and sometimes you couldn't figure out just what was going on in his head.

Harry groaned in anger. "Where is it?!" He asked, frantically searching the ground.

"Harry what-" you began before you were cut off by him. He turned around and looked at you, his expression softening.

"It was the thing that's I'd brought you here for," he said. "But, it's not here." You pouted and moved closer to him.

"Hey, it's alright, you can just tell me what it is and I'll help you find it," you suggested. Harry sighed and brought his hand to his mouth.

"Or! I can just show you," he said. You cocked your head in confusion. In the next moment, Harry was on his knee in front of you. You gasped and watched as he pulled an engagement ring out of his coat pocket and held it up to you.

"Y/N, I never thought I'd be able to find someone as special as you, but I did. You've really helped me become a better person and for that I thank you. So Y/N, what do you say we continue to make each other's days brighter. Y/N Y/LN, will you marry me?"

You couldn't contain your excitement and eagerly nodded your head. "Yes!" Harry smiled widely and stood up to slip the ring on your finger.

You stared down at the ring in awe before wrapping your arms around Harry. "I love you so much!"

He let out a chuckle. "I love you too." You pulled out of the hug and stared lovingly into his eyes before leaning down to kiss him passionately. When you both pulled back, you grabbed your phone out of your pocket in order to check the time.

"Well, we still have a few hours before sun down, what do you say we go do some exploring?" You asked. Harry smirked.

"That'd be fun," he said. You went to pull him with you towards the jagged rocks to explore when you remembered something.

"Hey Harry, what were you looking for when we first got here?" You asked. Harry cleared his throat.

"Oh, well I had Barry write 'will you marry me Y/N?' In the sand, but I guess the water washed it away." You smiled.

"That's so sweet Harry, I always knew you had a soft side," you said. Harry smiled and reached for your hand.

"Alright, ready to go explore before this moment gets too sappy?" He asked. You laughed.

"Back to old Harry I see, but yes, let's go." 

"Oh! And Y/N, why don't we discuss this story about you and your first bottle of whiskey? I'm eager to hear what went so wrong that you ended up skinny dipping in broad daylight," he said chuckling. You smiled.

"Well it all started with a fake id, a wig, and an unlucky first day employee."

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