Proposal-Wally West

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Imagine you and your boyfriend of four years have decided to take things to the next level by moving in together and of course a proposal is going to happen any day now, but when?

You gestured for the next customer to step up to the counter as you finished up the last woman's sandwich. You were currently working your shift at your family's business.

"Hello miss, what can I get started for you today?" You asked the older woman.

"I'll just have a turkey sandwich."

"Just one?" I asked to make sure. The woman nodded and I grabbed out the bread. 

"What would you like on it?" I asked. The woman looked at me blank-faced.

"The usual." She said. I pursed my lips. 

"Sorry miss, I don't know what the 'usual' is." You replied calmly. The woman rolled her eyes and mumbled something you couldn't understand under her breath. 

"Lettuce, turkey, pickles, and cheese." She said irritated. You nodded and began filling up the sandwich.

"How many pickles?" You asked. 


"Okay four..." You mumbled, placing four slices on the bread. 

"Those are too close together." The woman said. You looked up at her and then down at the sandwich.

"The pickles." She said annoyed. 

"Oh sorry..." You said fixing the pickles so that they were farther apart. You then finished the sandwich and got ready to cut it.

"Do you want it cut into two?" You asked.

"Obviously, what else would you have done?" She asked. You nodded and cut the sandwich, slipping it into a bag. You then began to ring her up.

"$12.98." You said. She looked at you with furrowed eyebrows.

"That's expensive." She said as she sighed. 

"Yeah well I don't make the prices." You accidentally slipped out. The woman handed you the money and rolled her eyes. You handed her back her change and receipt.

"What's your name sweetheart?" She asked walking away with her food.

"Y/N...Why?" You asked confused.

"Because your manger will be hearing about how awful you treated me." She said walking out of the door. Well fine, how about you come work here for eight hours and try to keep a positive attitude...You thought, annoyed.

----Time Skip----

You stood behind the counter waiting for someone to show up when you saw your boyfriend enter the store.

"Hey babe!" You called.

"Hey!" He said smiling at you. 

"Come to order food?" You asked. He shook his head. "I've come to ask you something." He replied. You nodded and waited expectantly. You soon watched your coworkers piled into the restaurant holding balloons. You smiled and watched as they lined up. You cocked your head and read the words.

Will you mrry me?

You chuckled. "Babe, I think you spelled 'marry' wrong." You said. Wally turned away from you and looked at the row of balloons.

"Crap...Where's your cousin Daryl?" He asked. Everyone shrugged and he turned back towards you. You smiled and walked out from behind the counter. You gave him a peck on the lips before answering his question.

"Yes Mr. West, I will mrry you." You said emphasizing the misspelled word. Wally chuckled and pulled you in for another kiss, earning cheers from your coworkers who were your family. You pulled back and the both of you laughed. 

"Well then let me give you this..." Wally mumbled before pulling a ring out of his pocket. He slipped in onto your finger. You gazed down at it and smiled.

"I love it babe!" You said hugging him. 

"I thought it was perfect for you so I got it and just went for it, luckily there was only one mistake in the proposal." He said chuckling. You nodded.

"So why here?" You asked.

"Because this is where we first met but you know I was ordering and you were making the food." He said. 

"Oh right! You were that awkward high school kid that tried to order by himself but stumbled on every word." You said. "Why was that?" You asked making Wally chuckle.

"You made me nervous, like a good nervous though." He responded. 

"So do I still make you nervous?" You asked smirking.

"All the time Y/N, all the time..." He said before grabbing your hand and leading you away from the counter.

"Wait-I still have two hours of work Wally..." You said. You mom suddenly cut in.

"Don't worry sweetie, your brother can finish your shift." She said turning towards your brother.

"Mom!" He groaned. You laughed and walked with Wally out the door.

"So how was your shift?" Wally asked.

"Horrible...It's like rude people circulate this place everyday." You said.

"Sorry to hear that." You shrugged.

"Eh...At least you saved me from it."

"Glad to hear that Y/N, so I'm like your personal hero?" He asked jokingly. 

"Yep, after all you are Kid Flash." You said giggling. 

"I love you Y/N, you know that right?" He asked smiling. You nodded.

"And I love you Mr. West."

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