Wanna make life lists?-Earth 2 Barry

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Imagine you and your boyfriend Barry are sitting at home bored out of your minds so you decide to fantasize about what the future holds.

"Okay I can't do this anymore." You said rolling off the couch and hitting the floor.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Barry asked as he came running into to check on you after he heard a loud bang.

"Yeah, I was just bored and hoped I'd break a bone then I could go to the hospital where it's probably less boring." Barry looked at you concerned as you sat up.

"Please don't do that again..." You smiled apologetically and stood up. "Babe, I'm bored what are we going to do?"

"We could go out?" You shook your head. "Nah, I don't want to be surrounded by a ton of people right now I want to have you all to myself." Suddenly Barry's face brightened. 

"How about we make life lists!" He said dorking out. You raised an eyebrow at him.

"You know lists of things you want to do in life and we can base it off of what we want to do together." You shrugged and then nodded as Barry ran off to get paper. A minute later he came back and sat on the opposite side of the coffee table.

"Okay, let's list ten things and then read them out loud to each other." You smiled and began writing.

You soon set your pencil down and looked over at Barry who was still writing. Barry finally looked up at you and smiled his dorky smile which caused you to do the same. 

"Alright Y/N, you want to go first?" You nodded and cleared your throat, speaking in a formal voice.

"Barry Allen with you it's always fun and exciting but I'd like to improve on that with these ten things...I want to,
1. Go to a concert together and let the music carry us away
2. Go ice skating and watch as the both of us try to stay upright
3. Let curiosity take over and go to a Physic to get our fortunes read
4. Visit another town and be those annoying tourists
5. Have lazy days where we stay in bed all day and cuddle
6. Run into the ocean still fully clothed for no reason except to get soaking wet
7. Adopt a cute animal and name them after one of our Fandom favorites
8. Watch Doctor Who for the millionth time and joke about how bow ties are cool
9. Stand under running water and kiss like in the movies even if the water is coming out of a rain gutter
10. Most of all, stand at the front of all our friends and family and say 'I do.'"

You smiled blushing as you looked at Barry who was smiling widely. He then looked down at his paper and began to read. 

"Y/N, when I first met you I thought we were polar opposites, but then I realized I was wrong....You and I fit perfectly together which is why with you I want to,
1. Go to comic-con and cosplay as our OTP
2. Play laser tag with you and admire how competitive you are
3. Get out of my comfort zone and go to see the bands you love at concerts
4. Try those DIY projects that we're always talking about
5. Buy books we're both dying to read and do so together
6. Go to the Converse store and run down each aisle with you screaming about all the amazing shoes
7. Build a blanket fort and pretend it's bigger on the inside
8. Watch scary movies with you just so I have an excuse for you to hold me
9. Go to a Beanie-Baby store and gush about how cute everything is
10. Most importantly, I want to stand at the alter and say 'I do' because you're my Leia and I'm your Han.

You looked at him and smiled. You got on your knees and crawled over to him, pulling him in for a kiss. The kiss was more magical than the ones before and when you pulled back you couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked cocking his head.

You shrugged. "It's just that I've finally realized that I'm completely and totally in love with you Barry Allen." He smiled and adjusted his glasses. "I feel the exact same way Y/N Y/L/N." 

You smirked and pulled him in for another kiss, this time when you pulled back Barry blushed uncontrollably.

"Aww babe I didn't know I had that affect on you." You said chuckling sweetly. He perked up at your laugh. "Well you do Y/N...You have me weak at the knees and I'm not even standing." You chuckled and pecked a kiss on his nose.

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