You're not all smoldering looks-Harry Wells

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Imagine you and Harry are dating and he always looks and acts so serious, so you decide to release his soft side. 

You walked into S.T.A.R. Labs with two coffees, handing one to your boyfriend who sat at the computer.

"What nothing for me?" Cisco asked. You furrowed your eyebrows and pointed to his full coffee mug. "Oh right..." You chuckled and then leaned down to kiss Harry's cheek. Harry continued to work, not even smiling or returning the kiss.

"Nothing, nothing at all?" You asked, sitting in the chair next to Harry. Harry looked over at you oddly and then back at the computer screen. "What? Did you want something?"

You rolled your eyes. 

"You're dead buddy..." Cisco said looking at Harry as he walked out. "Don't call me buddy!" Harry yelled in response. 

"I'm still going to do it!" Cisco replied. Harry rolled his eyes and looked over at you.

"God, what is that guy's problem?" He asked. You chuckled and turned to him.

"It's not Cisco that has a problem, it's you Harry." Harry looked at you in disbelief.

"Pfft...It's not me." You looked at him with a blank facial expression. "You're too brooding." You pointed out, causing Harry to furrow his eyebrows and throw his hands up.

"It's true babe, since we've been dating, I have yet to see your soft side."

"I don't have a soft side." You rolled your eyes at his sentence and looked down at your phone. 

"It's currently 1:03 p.m, so that means the others will be here soon and there will be more than enough man power."

"So?" Harry asked watching as you stood up. "So, we're going somewhere and you're going to show your soft side." You said looking at him.

"You can't guarantee that." He said standing up as well.

"Where we're going, yes I can." Harry eyed you suspiciously before you grabbed his hand, his face softening. You led him out of the building and drove towards the middle of the city. 

----Time Skip----

You climbed out of the car. "Where are we?" Harry asked looking around. You quickly ran over to Harry and pushed his head down.

"Hey, you can't just look around like that, someone might see you and call the police."

"Oh right." You smiled and grabbed his hand as he used the other to pull his hat down. "Ready?" Harry nodded and you led him towards a puppy cafe. You walked inside and were greeted by the barista.

"Hi guys, what can I get you?" She asked. You gave her your order and while she was taking your money, she talked to you.

"So have you ever been here before?" You nodded. "I have, but my boyfriend hasn't....It's a great place to relax." 

The barista nodded and handed you your money. "Enjoy the coffee and the puppies." She said kindly. 

You walked off towards a table, leading a curious Harry behind you. You sat down at the table and looked over to Harry who was watching the puppies.

"You're allowed to play with them babe." You said smiling. Harry shook his head.

"No, I better not, I'll get fur all over me, I'm wearing all black." You reached out and grabbed his hand. "You can change after we leave...And anyways, I'm not going to make fun of you for not being Mr. Smolder for an hour. Go have fun."

Harry looked at you weirdly. Mr. Smolder? He mouthed. You smirked and watched as he stood up and made his way over to the puppies. 

Ten minutes later

Well that was fast, you looked over to see Harry smiling and laughing as he played games with the puppies, he was like a kid in a candy store. You couldn't help but smile as you pulled out your phone and videoed it. You ended the video at one-minute and walked over to Harry.

"Hey babe." You said, sitting down next to him. "Hey." He said smiling as he looked over at you. You let out a giggle.

"What's so funny?" He asked perking up at your laugh.

"It's just that you are smiling and laughing so much, it's amazing." He looked over at you and then at the puppy who was trying to steal the toy from his hands.

"No Y/N, you're amazing. And I'm only laughing and smiling because of you, I would have never come here if you hadn't dragged me here and I'm grateful for that, I'm glad you convinced me to relax and not 'smolder' for awhile as you said I did."

"Well when you say it like that I don't sound like a bad girlfriend." You said. 

"What? Since when are you a bad girlfriend?" He asked confused. "Since I forced you into becoming less of yourself, I forced you to show a soft side." Harry smiled and grabbed your hand.

"I always had a soft side Y/N, I just only ever showed it around people special to me...Jesse and well you of course."

 You smiled and were about to kiss him when you got a text on your phone from the team.

"They need us back to the lab." You said. Harry frowned but then stood up, taking you hand in his. You walked out to the car and got in. 

"By the way, I videoed you playing with the puppies." You said to a wide-eyed Harry.

"You didn't send that to anyone did you?" You shook your head. "Don't worry babe, your secret is safe with me."

The next day.

You walked in to the lab and just like yesterday Harry was sitting at the computer. You walked over to him and kissed his cheek. "Morning babe."

He looked over a you and smiled. "Morning." You sat down and suddenly heard Cisco screech.

"Oh my God! Did Harry just smile?!" He yelled in disbelief.

"Shut it Ramon." Harry said while looking at his computer. Cisco rolled his eyes and walked over to talk with Barry. You turned to Harry.

"Honestly what is that guy's problem?" Harry smiled and leaned over to kiss you. 

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