It tastes awful-Iris West

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Imagine you and Iris have been dating for a year and for your one year anniversary she decides to cook for the two of you.

You entered the kitchen and inhaled the savory smell of whatever Iris was cooking. 

"Hey babe." You said walking up behind her and wrapping your arms around her waist. "Almost done? I'm starving." You said looking down at the food she was mixing in the pan.

"Yep. Almost ready." She said smiling. You let go and walked over to the cabinet pulling out two plates and then moving on to get silverware.

Ten minutes later

Iris filled the plates with the food she made and looked at you expectantly.

"What is it?" You asked poking the large pieces of broccoli with your fork. "Broccoli stir-fry." You nodded. 

"Together?" You asked and Iris nodded, picking up her her fork and collecting some food with it. "One...Two...Three." You both shoved the food into your mouth, but the both of you looked at each other refusing to even chew and not even as much as swallow. You quickly spit the food out on the plate a minute before Iris did.

"What the hell did you put in there? It looked good, smelled good, but tasted horrible."

Iris walked over to the sink and spit into it. She then moved her head to where all of the ingredients were and picked up a jar with white powder in it.

"This is sugar right?" You shook your head as you took a drink of water. "Salt."

"Whelp, I found the culprit. The recipe called for sugar not salt and I added salt. I guess the salt didn't mix well with something." She said apologetically.

"Well at least you tried." You said smiling.

"Pizza then?" She asked.

"Are you making it?" Iris shook her head and chuckled. "Then yes." You added smiling. 

"Cheese or pepperoni?"

"Pepperoni, make sure the pepperoni is spicy though, I need this taste to burned off my tongue!" You shouted jokingly as she went into the other room to order the pizza. After a minute you were tired of waiting in the kitchen alone so you walked closer to the room where Iris was and heard her talking to the employee on the other end.

"Yeah and is the pepperoni spicy?" You walked into the room and sat next to her. 

"How do you not know? Don't you make the pizza?" She rolled her eyes. "Look if you don't know then fine just give me the pizza." You watched as Iris nodded and then hung up the phone.

"They'll be here in a half an hour." You nodded and leaned over to kiss Iris.

"You might be a bad cook Iris but I still love you."

"Love you too babe. Maybe you should cook next time..." She suggested. You chuckled. "Yeah sure if you want me to burn down the house." Iris let out a small laugh.

"So then we'll stick to pizza? It can be our new anniversary tradition." You nodded making Iris smirk and pull you in for another kiss.

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