Food pun masters-H.R. Wells

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Imagine you and H.R. are roommates. You got home and realized the fridge was empty so you drug H.R. to the store to get food.

"Damn...The fridge is empty." You mumbled walking into the living room where your roommate sat watching Scooby-Doo.

"H.R. the fridge is empty." He nodded, not even turning around to look at you. "I know."

"You know?" You asked a bit annoyed. He nodded. 

"Then why didn't you go to the store?" You asked. "I didn't want to..." You rolled you eyes and grabbed the remote, shutting the TV off.

"Hey, I was watching that!" H.R. yelled. "I don't care, we have to go shopping."

He heaved a sigh. "Fine..."

At the store

You had assumed when you left to the store H.R. was going to be annoying the entire time and complain yet he hadn't done either. You were actually having quite fun joking around with H.R. and being a total dork.

You had gone off to get a few groceries while H.R. was looking at the cereal. You grabbed what you needed and headed back to him, smirking as you neared the cart. 

"Hey H.R...Becoming a vegetarian was a huge missed steak." You said shrugging as you dropped the meat into the cart. He looked at you and smiled. He then picked his cereal and stalked off towards another section to finish his shopping list. Every time you saw him, he would make a pun and you would do the same, each of you dropping the food into the cart. 

"You butter back off, Y/N." He said raising his eyebrows at you as he dropped the butter into the cart.

"Do you wanna taco 'bout it?" You asked. 

"No, it's nacho business."

"Come on, I find it appeeling..."

"No, I'm Feta-up with you!"

"Salami get this straight, you don't want me in your business?"

H.R. shook his head. "Pasta La vista baby!"

"Fine, I really don't carrot all." You looked down at your shopping list and saw that you were finally done with shopping. That was the quickest it has ever gone, I guess you were having fun...

You and H.R. then began to walk towards the checkout lines, hearing a few employees talking on the way by.

"Yeah, those are the two...They would not stop with the puns. Looks like they're done though, thank God. If they said one more pun I was going to rip my hair out!" 

You smirked to yourself and got in line. Soon you were paying for your stuff and heading out the door, spotting the two employees that were annoyed with you on the way out. You quickly grabbed the fish out of one of the bags and held it up turning towards them and holding it in the air with your left hand as you pointed to it with the right.

"If you think of a better fish pun, let minnow!" You yelled. People around you looked at you angrily and the man who said he was going to rip his hair out actually did. You got out to the car and began putting everything in the trunk with H.R.

"You're really good at puns Y/N." He said smirking. You shrugged. "Well I learn from the best." He continued to smile and you decided to finally tell him.

"By the way, I recorded that Scooby-Doo episode while you went to get ready. So we can watch it when we get home." H.R. pumped his fist in the air. "I know it's a kids show, but man I love that dog." You laughed.

"So can we pig out too?" You looked at him oddly. "It's a shame that you had to ask me that." H.R. smirked. "Well onward we venture Y/N, back to our safe haven so we can watch as a talking dog helps solves mysteries." 

"Please never do that again." You said climbing in the car.

"Then I wouldn't be H.R."

"You're right, but if you say it again , say it in front of Cisco not me."  

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