Grocery Shopping-Killer Frost

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Imagine you and Caitlin are roommates and you find out about her being Killer Frost

You had just gotten home from a long day at work and couldn't wait to raid the fridge and then pass out on your comfy bed. You made your way across town as quick as you could and finally reached your home. You unlocked the door, setting your stuff down just as you headed for the fridge. 

You pulled open the fridge and stared at empty shelves, the only thing in there was a half peeled orange. You groaned and moved over to the cabinets, but found those were empty too.

"Okay, what the heck? I thought Caitlin went shopping..." You mumbled before giving up and heading towards Caitlin's room, where you were about to give her a piece of your mind. You pushed open her door and watched as a woman with white hair turned around smiling.

"Oh, you must be Y/N, Caitlin's roommate....I'm Killer Frost, her alter ego." She said venomously. You stared at her with a blank face. 

"Well? Are you going to keep standing there or are you going to start yelling or lash out or I don't know scream?" Killer Frost asked clearly annoyed that I wasn't moved by her.

"No, at the moment, I don't give a damn who you are. I can discuss this with Caitlin tomorrow...Right now I'm mad because there's no food in the house because somebody didn't go shopping!" You yelled, irritated by your need for food.

Killer Frost just stood there eyeing you. "You said you are her alter ego right?" You asked.

"Yeah, that's right."

"So you're technically still Caitlin?"

Killer Frost squinted her eyes. "I'm in Caitlin's body, but I'm stronger than her, mo-" You cut her off. "Yeah, whatever...I don't care if you just look like Caitlin or act like her or whatnot, it was her turn to go shopping, she didn't do it and I'm hungry, so someone has to pick up the slack, and that someone is going to be you." You said sternly, not waiting for an objection from Killer Frost as you handed her the shopping list which you'd pulled off the fridge on the way to her room. 

You looked at Killer Frost expectantly. "Well get to it, my stomach isn't going to feed itself." She rolled her eyes and pushed past you, grabbing the keys off the wall hook and heading out the front door. 

You smiled to yourself and walked into the living room, where you waited for Killer Frost to get back with food.

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