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Imagine you and H.R. have been dating for a year, and although it might seem like the two of you are moving a little fast to others, it doesn't seem that way for you and him. The two of you are practically inseparable and couldn't and wouldn't dream of a life without the other.

You hovered over the front desk at S.T.A.R. Labs, watching as Cisco scanned through several websites. Suddenly, Cisco stopped what he was doing and turned around to you.

"Look Y/N, I don't mean to be rude, but can you go somewhere else while I do this, you're stressing me out just standing there." He said. You nodded.

"Sorry..." You mumbled before walking away to go find H.R. After much searching, you soon entered one of the rooms and saw him sitting at the table, typing away on his laptop. You knocked on the door and peered in.

"Hey babe, can I come in?" You asked. H.R. jumped at the sound of your voice and quickly slammed his computer shut. He spun around in his chair and looked at you, smiling. You raised an eyebrow as you entered the room and sat next to him.

"So...Why'd you close your laptop so fast?" You asked. H.R. cleared his throat.

"No reason really, I was just writing and didn't want to be distracted from my beautiful girlfriend." He said. You continued to eye him suspiciously.

"Uh-huh...So what were you writing?" You asked.

"A story." He replied bluntly.

"Yeah, but what's the story about?" You pushed. 

"A person..." He said unsure. You looked at him, head cocked to the side. 

"I won't judge, just give me some sort of information on it." You said. H.R. looked at you, still unsure of what to do. You made a pouty face.

"Babe, please?" H.R. looked back at you and let out a sigh. "Alright fine, but only the plot." He replied. You clasped your hands together and leaned over to give him a quick peck on the lips.

"So it's really about a person who has a normal everyday life, until they meet a certain someone who changes their world." H.R. said, giving few details.

"So like a romance novel?" You asked. 

"Yeah. I guess so." He said. You smiled. 

"Well, I for one can not wait to read it." You said happily. "How far are you?" You asked.

H.R. contemplated for a moment and then responded. "I'm actually almost finished, I have a few chapters left." He said. You looked at him impressed.

"Do you need any help with anything?" You asked. H.R. smiled and nodded. He grabbed the laptop off the table and sat it in his lap so that you couldn't see the screen. 

"I need a synonym for beautiful." You thought about it for a moment.

"What about attractive?" You asked. H.R. nodded and began typing. For the next half an hour, you helped H.R. fill the holes in his writing, soon the book was finished.

"So can I read it now?" You asked excitedly. H.R. chuckled, but shook his head.

"Sorry Y/N, I have to still edit it and make the cover, you'll have to wait." 

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