Dance studio-Julian Alberts (Part Two)

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Before this imagine begins I want to give credit to @kayla_cruz2019 for this story idea. I hope you like this second part :)


Imagine your dance class had finished for the day, so you decided to teach Julian a thing or two about dancing.

After changing into a more appropriate outfit, Julian met you back in the studio room.

You clasped your hands together, eager to teach him how to dance.

"Okay so I thought I'd show you a dance first and you can watch or try to mimic me. Then we'll slow the dance down and take it step by step. Is that cool with you?" You asked. Julian nodded.

"I'm ready when you are love," he said. You smiled and turned the music on.

Seconds later, If I Can't Have You by Shawn Mendes blared from the speakers.

You held your finishing dance move for a couple of seconds before turning to look at Julian who was a little out of breath.

"So, how was it?" You asked. Julian rested his hands on his knees.

"I think I underestimated how skilled of a dancer you were, I could hardly keep up," he breathed out. You walked over to him and rested your hand on his back.

"You just need practice that's all babe. I mean you're not used to this kind of workout yet," you pointed out. Julian stood up and met your gaze.

"You've got that right love, I feel like I'm dying." You chuckled and moved to grab him your water bottle which you handed off.

Soon enough, you two were facing each other again, ready to dance.

"Okay nice and slow, ready?" You asked. Julian nodded and followed your movements.

You sat on the floor with your knees bent to your chest. You and Julian held each other's gaze and began to perform each dance move step by step. A dance that would have taken a little over a minute now took about ten minutes as you worked to make sure Julian learned and knew how to do each dance move.

Despite being a little awkward at first, Julian proved his resilience and began to loosen up with each new move.

Finally, the two of you had reached the move that would prove to be more of a challenge than any of the others—Probably because Julian had to lift you off of the ground and swing you in front of him so that you could latch onto his torso and dip backwards.

You moved closer to your boyfriend and sat on the floor to the side of him.

"You sure you want to do this?" You asked him uneasily. Julian finally confident his dancing nodded his head.

"Of course love, we have a dance to finish after all," he said. Despite still being unsure about the whole thing, you smiled.

You began the music again and Julian reached over, latching to your hands. Surprisingly, he lifted you up off the ground and you were able to latch your legs around his torso. You giggled happily as he tilted you back.

Unlatching your legs, you pulled Julian into a hug. "That was awesome, I can't believe we did it," you said. Julian chuckled.

He pulled back slightly and looked at you. "I didn't realize you doubted me so much," he joked. You smiled.

"Maybe only slightly."

Your eyes flicked down to his lips and then back up to his eyes. He smirked.

"Are you trying to signal something love?" He asked. You blushed.

"I might be, what are you going to do about it?" You asked. Julian chuckled and moved his hands down to your waist. He pressed you closer to him and planted his lips onto yours. You smiled and kissed back. All of the tension from earlier seemed to fade into this kiss, creating a heated make out session almost instantly.

You were the first to pull away, unfortunately needing air. You glanced at Julian's puffy red lips and smiled.

"That got rather intense didn't it?" You joked. Julian laughed and reached out, taking your hand in his.

"I love you Y/N," he said.

"I love you too," you added. Julian smiled and bit his lip.

"What do you say we get back to dancing before something else happens," he said. You chuckled.

"Yeah we wouldn't want that...So, new song?" You asked. Julian nodded.

"Ready when you are love," he said. You smirked and let go of his hand, moving to the front of the room. You cued up the song and soon Company by Justin Bieber rang out.

You threw a smirk at Julian and began dancing. This time though, Julian pushed himself to try and keep up with you. Impressed, you decided to add more flare and get him to have more fun with the song.

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