Proposal-E2 Barry

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Imagine you and your boyfriend Barry have been dating for two years and the two of you have really fallen for each other. 

You walked along the sidewalk, drawing journal in one hand, to Central City park where you planned to spend the next couple hours drawing what you saw. You smiled happily at the passersby you made eye contact with before finally reaching your favorite bench in the park, only to see it was being used by others...And by others, you don't mean just strangers, you mean people you went to high school with. 

You let out a sigh and began walking past the bench, hoping to find another open spot with a beautiful view when all of a sudden you were stopped by someone calling out your name.

"Y/N!" The person yelled. You stopped in your tracks and slowly turned around, coming face to face with Brittany, the most arrogant person one could ever meet. 

You plastered a fake smile onto your face and walked over to Brittany, who was accompanied by two you recognized as Josh and Amy, her best friends.

"Wow, Y/N! You've changed, I like what you did with your hair." Brittany said in such a tone that you couldn't tell if she was being fake or was serious.

"Thanks, I decided to go with something different when I started college." You said.

"Oh nice, have you already finished?" She asked. You nodded. "Yep, I have a real job now, which is kind of weird." You said with a small chuckle. Brittany nodded, squinting her eyes before smirking.

"So where do you work?" She asked. 

"Oh, down at CCPD." You said, gesturing towards the direction of the building. 

"That's cool, I actually work in Central City at their Police station now...It's a wonder we haven't seen each other yet while at work." She commented.

"Yeah..."  You said. The conversation continued, this time Josh and Amy joining in. Now it felt like three against one, as if there were a battle going on as to which side was more successful in life. 

At one point, while the three in front of you were discussing something, you pulled out your phone and desperately tried to text your boyfriend for help.

Need help 

What's wrong?!

People from high school are interrogating me

What do you want me to do?

Come to the park and cause a scene so we can leave

Alright on my way

Thanks love you babe 

Love you too

You felt a sense of calm rush over you as you slipped your phone back into your pocket and looked nervously back up at your old high school peers.

"So who were you texting?" Amy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"My boyfriend." You said. 

"Boyfriend?" Brittany asked. You nodded.

"Of two years." Brittany made an impressed face but went back to the unimpressed version a moment later. 

"Where does he work?" She asked. You cocked your head slightly to the right.

"Why does it matter?" You questioned. She shrugged. You shook your head but answered her question anyway, what was the harm?

"He works at CCPD too." You said.

"Wait-So you're telling me, you and your boyfriend both work at the same place? I didn't think that was allowed." Brittany said. 

"Well we haven't gotten in trouble yet so...Plus it's not like we act like boyfriend/girlfriend at work, we act like coworkers, with the occasional couple charm." You said. Brittany was about to say something else when out of the corner of your eye you saw Barry approaching. He looked like his usual self except for his bow tie that was cocked to the left a bit far. You smiled and closed the space between you.

"Babe!" You said as you threw your arms around him. He smiled as you embraced him. You pulled back and quickly fixed his bow tie. 

"Ahem..." Brittany said, breaking the silence between the group. You and Barry turned your heads towards her.

"Are you going to introduce us?" She asked. In your head you rolled your eyes but on the outside you remained calm and nodded.

"Everyone, this is my boyfriend Barry." You said, turning your head to smile at him. After a minute of awkward silence, Josh began to talk.

"So Barry...What are you doing here?" He asked. Barry's face lit up, as if he were remembering something. 

"I uh...Came here to ask my girlfriend something." He said. You looked at Barry confused. Barry then grabbed something out of his jacket pocket and proceeded to get down on one knee. 

"Y/N Y/LN will you marry me?" He asked. You and the others were all taken by surprise.

"Is this for real or just part of the distraction?" You whispered. Barry smiled.

"For real." You looked down at Barry before pulling him to his feet and into a hug. "Yes." You said. Barry squeezed you tighter and laughed. He slipped the ring on your finger and pulled you back into a hug.

"Thank goodness!" He said smiling as he pulled away and took your hand.

"Okay...What just happened?" Brittany asked. You turned to look at her and began walking with Barry down the path.

"We're getting married!" You shouted at them, leaving the three of them processing the last minute's events.

"Was that a Frozen reference?" Barry asked. You nodded.

"So Barry, we really need to work on what the word 'distraction' means...I thought you were going to fake an injury or something, but you proposed." You said. Barry's face drooped.

"Wait-Did you not like it?" I thought a surprise like this was a great way to start off an engagement." He said sadly. You stopped in your tracks and smiled at Barry.

"No,  I loved it babe, truly. I just thought it was funny that your distraction was a proposal." You said. Barry smiled down at his feet then back up at you. 

"I've been trying to find the right time and well when you texted me I thought today was that right moment. Like for once I could be your hero, swoop in and save you but also surprise you." He said nervously.

"Barry, you've always been my hero." You said before leaning in to give him a peck on the lips. "Which is why I'm happy that I can now tell everyone you're my fiance!" You said excitedly causing Barry to let out his adorable chuckle.

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