Let's make slime-Harry Wells

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Imagine on one of yours and Harry's days off, you two decide to partake in making slime creations.

"Y/N, are you sure about this?" Harry asked, staring at the slime kit in front of him, his eyebrows knitted in confusion.

You chuckled as you glanced down at your own box.

"Of course babe, trust me, this'll be fun. I make this stuff all of the time when I'm babysitting my nephews," you said.

Harry sighed. "As long as you're sure, let's just hope this doesn't turn into a giant mess."

You smirked at your boyfriend's comment. He'd obviously never seen how slime was made before, it could get quite messy.

You decided not to tell Harry and instead decided to keep the messy details to yourself because you knew if you told Harry the truth he'd stop immediately—Harry hated messes.

You finally began the process of making your slime after you were finally able to get the box open, the tape putting up a fight.

You glanced over at Harry and saw that he was already ahead of you, having poured most of his materials into the bowl already.

You began to pick up your pace until you had finally caught up with him.

"Umm Y/N, what are we supposed to mix this with? There's nothing else in the box," Harry asked as he desperately shook the slime kit.

You let out a chuckle. "We use our hands," you said bluntly. Harry dropped the box and looked up at you, dumbfounded.

"I'm being serious Harry, that's the fun in it," you continued. Harry continued to stare at you before sighing.

He glanced down at the bowl in front of him. "Well, I mean I'm already this far, I might as well finish this ungodly creation."

You smiled and began to knead the glob in front of you. "I'm glad you didn't give up Harry, I think you'll like the result," you said.

"Sure, but until then, I'm going to be having a panic attack from the mess I'm creating. I mean who enjoys this?" He asked, picking up a glob of unfinished slime and letting it run from his hand and into the bowl.

"Little kids...and also me," you pointed out. Harry cast a squinted gaze your way before continuing to try and make his slime.

Soon, the two of you had completely kneaded your slime and were ready to decide on the consistency of it.

"So you're saying I can have it super slimy or bouncy?" Harry asked in disbelief.

You nodded. "Yeah and you can add glitter to it or food coloring," you said. Harry looked at you, impressed by the amount of options.

"Alright well then let's go with bouncy slime that's uh...orange? No blue," he said. You nodded and began to help him.

Finally, both yours and Harry's slime were done, but not without the added benefit of colored hands for both of you.

You stared down at your hands in disgust. "Now I remember why I never color the slime, it stains." You glanced up at Harry, shoving you hands in his face. "Look at me, I'm frickin purple," you exclaimed.

Harry put his hand next to yours. "And I'm blue." He glanced down at the slime in his hand, which he had been toying with the entire time you had talked. "At least I have this," he finished, before throwing the slime at the ground.

Upon impact, the slime bounced back up and into Harry's hand. He glanced up at you and smiled.

"We should make more slime," he said. You widened your eyes at his excitement over something so messy.

"I've created a monster," you mumbled, watching Harry bounce the slime up and down.

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