A little less party and a little more ice cream part one- Nora Allen

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You held tightly onto Nora's hand as you walked down the sidewalk and towards the flashing colors of Central City's local ice cream shop.

"You okay Gorgeous?" Nora asked. You looked over at her timidly, something about her stare sent shivers down your spine.

"Yeah just a little cold," you said. Nora unlatched your hands and threw her arm over you, pulling you closer to you. You smiled as you inhaled the scent of vanilla.

Nora pulled open the door to the parlour and you walked in. The place was glowing with flashy neon lights and fifties themed decor, yet, the room was vacant.

Nora walked ahead of you and tapped delicately on the bell. Moments later, a short, bald man appeared from a back room.

"Ayyy Nora, what's happenin?" He asked. You could hear his faint New Jersey accent as he spoke.

"Nothing much Ricky, just came to get some ice cream," she replied. Ricky threw a glance your way.

"And whose this lovely being?" He asked.

"Uh...Y/N," you replied. Ricky smiled.

"Well it's...Uh...Nice to meet ya Y/N. You with this little firecracker ere?" He asked. You glanced over at Nora who rolled her eyes.


Ricky chuckled. "Well be careful with this one, once she sets her sights on something she doesn't stop until she gets it."

You plastered on a half smile. "Dually noted."

Ricky nodded. "Now what can I get for ya Y/N? Ya want somethin normal or ya want to mix things up a bit and get somethin funky?" He asked.

"Uh...Wow...Um...I guess something funky?" You said, unsure of what that meant.

"Okay we got...Uh...Rocky road, Brownie Batter, Mint Oreo, or Cake Batter?" Ricky said, naming them off the top of his head.

"I guess we'll do Mint Oreo," you said.

"Great, I'll get that for ya. Why don't you and your lovely girlfriend have a seat and I'll bring it over," he said, turning to you, smirking.

You turned your head away to hide your rosy cheeks and walked over to a booth, taking a seat. Moments later, Nora sat down across from you. You looked up at her.

Unlike back at the party, the lighting here was more vibrant and you could more easily see her face. There was no denying she was beautiful, gorgeous even. You noticed she was wearing dark, black eyeliner and smokey eyeshadow. It complimented her though, making her hazel eyes stand out...Maybe that's what drew you to her in the first place.

"Are you done staring or would you like a couple more minutes?" Nora asked.

You blinked rapidly, suddenly aware of your actions. You looked away and blushed furiously. How could you be so stupid?

You moved your eyes back up to meet Nora's gaze and found her with the same smirk as earlier.

"Sorry," you mumbled out. Nora chuckled.

"Don't be, I know the view is quite breathtaking," she said, flipping her hair jokingly. You giggled.

"Well no, I can't deny that," you said, despite yourself. Nora smiled. This time, her smile looked genuine and the not the cause of some joke. You felt butterflies in your stomach as she stared back at you.

"So...Nora, where do you work?" I asked. Nora rested her hands on the table and began drumming a soft beat.

"Forensics at CCPD...You?"

You smiled. So the cute girl has an cool job...I mean how much hotter could she get? Let me guess, she has powers too?

"Oh...Uh...I work down at the animal shelter....I'm trying to become a vet after I finish college," You said. Nora gasped.

"That's so cool, I frickin' love animals!" She exclaimed. You chuckled.

"Animals are the best," You added.

"Yeah and better than people," she said before meeting your gaze. "Well...Some people."

You smiled. "You're really-"

"Here's ya ice cream lovebirds," Ricky said as he placed two cups in front of you. You mentally cursed him since he ruined your conversation which totally could have gone....Somewhere.

You picked up your spoon and began to eat your ice cream. It was cold and took a minute to get used to, but the flavor was amazing. You looked up to see Nora had already finished hers.

You furrowed your eyebrows. "How did you...?"

Nora's eyes widened. "I'm a fast eater!" She squeaked out. Something about her apparent embarrassment over something so unproblematic made you giggle.

"What?" She asked, breaking out into a smile. You shook your head, holding a smile.

"Nothing...It's just I think it's cute how frantic you were about me finding out you were a fast eater," you said. Nora smirked and looked away.

"I'm a slow eater!" You jokingly exclaimed. Nora looked back at you and began to giggle. Her laughter only made yours grow stronger and vice versa, so soon the two of you were doubled over, laughing with tears running down your face.

"I think I had too much Champagne," you mumbled out, as you sat back up. Nora wiped away some tears.

"You had a cup," she said, still giggling. You shrugged.

"I'm a lightweight."

Nora smiled. "And a cutie."

The butterflies erupted in your stomach again. This girl had an effect on you that you couldn't deny, but it was a good thing, you felt yourself becoming comfortable in her presence. You finally had enough courage to be yourself, despite only just meeting Nora.

"Hey, what do you say we get out of here? I know a party we could go to, just down the street," you said. Nora smiled.

"You sure you want to go back?" She asked. You stood up and extended your hand.

"It's up to you," you said.

Nora stood up and threw a playful smile your way. "Well, if you're going to be there gorgeous, then I think this party might turn out to be fun."

You smirked and grabbed ahold of Nora's hand. You threw a glance back as you held open the door for Nora. Ricky was shaking his head as he closed up the ice cream bins. He glanced up at you and smirked.

You smiled back before heading out into the cold with Nora.

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