Dumpster diving-Harry Wells

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Imagine you and your best friend Harry are on a coffee run in order to get away from the chaos that has taken over S.T.A.R. Labs. You two decided to get away from the drama for a little bit and get some coffee while the others fight it out. 

You stood next to the counter alongside Harry awaiting your coffee order.

"I just don't understand why they have to fight constantly, I mean it's ridiculous," you said. Harry nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, but we can't help the fact that they're idiots," he said. You smiled as you shook your head at Harry who returned the same grim expression that he had on a moment earlier. You had been friends with Harry for a couple of years now and yet you still couldn't figure out his facial expressions and when he was happy or sad.

You glanced back over at the counter and saw that the barista had returned with your drinks. 

"Thank you," you mumbled as you reached for the two coffees, passing one to Harry.

"Thanks." You began walking towards the doors, slowly being followed by Harry. Soon, you reached the doors and swung one open, holding it open for Harry once you stepped outside. 

"Ah fresh air! You know sometimes Y/N, that place is horrible to go into," Harry said. You cracked a smile and looked over at him.

"And why is that? Because of the overwhelming coffee smell or the people?" You asked. Harry looked you dead in the eye.

"The people." You laughed.

"Of course, I wouldn't expect anything different from you Harry," you said. Harry's face retorted in confusion.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked. You shrugged, still holding a smile.

"Oh nothing," you said. You were about to add onto what you were saying when you noticed a couple of coffee couples laying next to the dumpster. You rolled your eyes.

"Why can't people just throw their trash away?" You asked, walking over to the coffee cups. 

"Y/N, what on earth are you doing?" Harry asked distastefully. You reached down and picked up the cups with your free hand. 

"Throwing this trash away," you said. You tossed the trash into the dumpster and turnned back around to Harry.

"To keep Central City clean," you replied. Harry rolled his eyes.

"You could have done that any other way, you have no idea what was on those cups, I mean there could have-" Harry began rambling before you cut him off with a wave of your hand. "What? I'm trying to-"

"Harry, shut up," you said, looking fearfully down at your hand which had just previously been used to throw away the trash. 

"Harry...My ring is gone," you mumbled out. Harry titled his head and stepped towards you.

"What do you mean it's gone? You just had it on a minute ago," he said. You nodded before meeting his gaze.

"Yeah, before I threw the trash away..." You mumbled. Harry sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"See Y/N? This is what you get for throwing random people's trash away. I hope you know I'm not climbing in that dumpster, that's all on you." You bit your lip and glanced back at the trash can. You moved slowly towards it. 

Okay Y/N, you can do this...I mean it should still be on the top right?  You thought. You inhaled one more breathe of clean smelling air before handing your coffee to Harry and leaping up on the edge of the trash can. You instantly spotted the ring and reached for it, but in the midst, the moving of the trash around it caused the ring to fall farther down into the trash can. 

"Nooooo, now I actually have to dumpster dive," you said pouting. Harry leaned on the wall opposite the trash can and shook his head disappointingly at you. 

"I swear, does no one use their brain on this earth?" He mumbled. You shot a glare back at him, which was met with a glare of his own.

"I'm just saying Y/N, this wouldn't have happened if you would have thought ahead....Look I'm just trying to be logical and reasonable okay?" He said. You continued to dig through the garbage, trying to not inhale too much of the venomous air.

"Well why don't you replace that Harry with friend Harry, I need words of encouragement before I vomit all over myself," you said. Harry sighed and moved closer to you, so that he was now looking you in the face.

"Come on Y/N, you can do it, you have to or Ralph's going to kill you," Harry said, giving you a sarcastic smile. You glanced up at him, raising an eyebrow. 

"Harry, that was awful," you said. 

"Alright, well I'm tapped out on words of encouragement for today, so you'll have to check back in at a later date," he said. You rolled your eyes and threw a piece of trash at him, hitting him square in the face. Harry let out a loud gag as he hunched over, spilling both of your coffees on the ground.

"Drama Queen," you mumbled, trying to suppress a laugh. Harry glanced back up at you, squinting his eyes angrily.

"What if I catch something from that?" You let out a giggle.

"Pity, I think I'm worse off than you," you countered. Harry stared at you unmoved. "Come on Harry, will you please come up here and help me?" You asked. Harry sighed and glanced down at his coffee stained clothes before leaping up into the dumpster. Upon hitting the trash he let out another gag noise and his face took on an expression of disgust. You continued to look thought the trash as Harry glanced around quickly. 

"AHA!" He shouted, diving at something deep in the trash. You look at him disgusted until he came back up, holding a diamond ring between his fingers. 

"Thank you," you shouted, enveloping Harry in a hug. 

"Hey, hey. Calm down or you're going to lose it again," Harry said. You smirked and lept out of trash heap, reaching up to help Harry. When you were both solidly on the ground, you began to reach for your wedding ring. 

"Ah ah ah Y/N, I'm keeping this with me until I can ensure this doesn't fly off your finger anymore. I'll put a ring guard on it and then you can have it back. Until then, you owe a new coffee and new clothes," he said. You shrugged.

"Fine but you owe me a new coffee because you spilled mine," you said. Harry rolled his eyes but smiled.


"Great, now we have to figure out a way to explain ourselves to the others," you said. Harry shrugged.

"Just say nothing, keep them guessing."

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