Proposal-Ralph Dibny

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Imagine you and your boyfriend Ralph have been dating for four years and have really grown comfortable with each other. You are the light of each other's life which causes Ralph to make a special present for you.

You walked into your apartment, dropping all of your things on the coffee table before crashing onto the couch. You kicked off your shoes and peeled your nasty sweaty socks off your feet. You held the socks in the air staring at them with a disgusted look before turning towards your dog.

"You gonna eat these if I leave them on the table or am I going to have to take them to the washer?" You asked. Your dog, Yoda, stared back at you as any dog would if their crazy owner was talking to them. You were about to set them on the table when Yoda sat forward and tried to grab the socks. You pulled them out of his reach and stood up shaking your head. You headed towards the laundry room after yelling at Yoda.

"You a nasty dog!" You shouted.

——Time Skip——
You sat on your couch with Yoda watching Captain America Winter Soldier for the millionth time. You watched as Steve and Winter Soldier came face to face, smiling happily. In the next moment you were repeating your favorite line from the movie.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" You said in an odd monotone voice. Suddenly you heard your phone go off and reached for it from the couch.

Hey babe, can I come over?

You sighed and began typing.

Sure but no funny business I'm watching a movie

K love you be there soon

You smiled and began to reply.

Love you too

You set your phone down on the arm of the couch still smiling and looked back up at the tv screen.

Soon enough you heard a knock on the door and walked over to it. You pulled the door open and were greeted by a wide smiling Ralph who was holding a book in his arms. You smiled back at him, briefly glancing down at the book he held.

You closed the door behind Ralph and walked over with him to the couch where the two of you sat down.

"So Ralphy, whats with the book?" You asked.

"Well its a scrapbook."

"Ooh, fancy...Whats your plan with it? You asked smiling. Ralph smiled shyly before glancing down at the ground and then back up at you.

"Well actually..." He began. You raised your eyebrow and sat your hand on his shoulder.

"What is it babe?" You asked. Ralph met your eyes.

"I-I made this for you." He said looking down at the scrapbook that he held. You looked at the book too and suddenly broke out into a smile.

"Really Ralph?" You asked looking at him amazed. Ralph nodded. You threw your arms around him and hugged him.

"Thank you babe! That's really sweet of you." You said. Ralph let out a little chuckle as you moved to your cushion. 

"So can I look at it?" You asked. Ralph nodded and handed you the book which you sat in between the two of you. You gazed down at the cover in awe.

You glanced over at Ralph and smiled before opening the book to the first page

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You glanced over at Ralph and smiled before opening the book to the first page. You looked at all the photos, this page showing memories from your very first dates. You scanned the pictures and then moved to the next page and then the next, pointing out specific photos to Ralph that you loved.

"Aww Ralph, look how cute you look in this one!" You said looking down at a picture you and Ralph took while at the park. The two of you were sticking your tongues out at the camera with closed eyes.

Ralph chuckled. "I'll raise you one Y/N." He said turning to the next page where he pointed to a picture of the two of you sitting in one of the spinny chairs at S.T.A.R. Labs. You sat in Ralph's lap smiling at the camera with a giant smile while Ralph planted a kiss on your cheek.

You smiled down at the picture before turning to Ralph. "We make a cute couple babe." You said before kissing his cheek. Ralph smiled at you.

"Well if you didn't say it, I was going to." He said causing you to laugh. The two of you sat there looking into each other's eyes, moments from kissing when Yoda got jealous and tried to push through your arms. You chuckled, Ralph looking at you oddly as he didn't know why you were laughing. You moved the scrapbook and then lifted your arm, which Yoda ran under and over to Ralph.

"I think someone's jelly." You said patting Yoda on the head. Ralph shook his head and leaned down to kiss the dog on his head. You smiled and pulled the scrapbook back in front of you, you, Ralph, and Yoda continuing to look at it.

After much laughter and cute banter, you and Ralph finally came upon the last page of the book. You turned to the last page and looked at the photos from left to right. Every photo was from recent activities the two of you did together, but there was one empty spot on the right page at the bottom.

"Hey Ralph, I think you forgot one or it fell out." You said concerned.

"Nope, that blank space is intentional." He said. Confused you looked up at him.

"How exactly?" You asked still lost.

"Well we only have one memory to fulfill before this book ends, which takes place right now." He said. You looked at him wide-eyed, the thought of break-up crossing your mind. No, why would he take so much time making this scrapbook if he wanted to break-up? You thought. You looked down at the scrapbook page trying to figure out why it could be blank, the couch seat rising signaling Ralph got up. The next moment you looked up, Ralph was in front of you, on one knee, holding a black box in his hands. You smirked.

"Y/N Y/LN, will you make new memories with me to fill another scrapbook by marrying me?" He asked. You smiled and nodded excitedly, moving over to him and pulling him into a hug. Ralph pulled back and looked at you.

"You know what this means Y/N?" He asked. 

"Hm?" You asked. Ralph smirked.

"We have to document this moment." He said. You laughed and pulled out your phone, but before you took the picture, you scooped Yoda up into your arms. You and Ralph held Yoda up to your faces and took a picture with the two of you kissing each side of Yoda's face.

"A perfect photo for a new perfect family." You said. Ralph smirked.

"So now what?" You asked as you set Yoda back down. 

"Well first, it's customary that we kiss and then we can go get that picture printed." He said smirking. You laughed and pulled Ralph in for a kiss. When you pulled back, you kissed Ralph's nose and then took his hand.

"Shall we go get that picture printed?" You asked. Ralph smirked. "We shall." 

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