Central City Robin Hood-Barry Allen

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Imagine you're a criminal who is much like Robin Hood in the sense that you steal from the rich and give to the poor...Only you have one more advantage, you have powers. Unfortunately, not everything goes as planned one mission and you end up getting caught. But maybe getting caught wasn't so bad, especially since your captor is Central City's own Hottie Speedster, The Flash.

You raced through the streets of Central City, a bag of money in one hand. You looked back nervously. You knew that any minute now, the Flash would find you, he was a speedster after all.

Still, you couldn't quite figure out what had gone wrong with your plan, you'd done this crap about a million times, it was easy--Find a rich victim, wait until they're out of their house for an extended period of time, rob them blind, get away, then take the money to families in need without anyone ever noticing.

Everything was going according to plan, the family had left and you were home alone. That was until the Flash made his appearance when you cracked open the family's safe. Luckily, you were able to get away by using your power of Animal Mimicry and knocking him off his feet with my gorilla strength.

Now, here you were, zooming through the streets like a cheetah looking for any place to hide or better yet, a car to steal.

You broke the window of a Honda Civic, unlatching the door before climbing in. Quickly going to work, trying to hotwire the car. You felt a sudden gust of wind.

"Going somewhere?"

You glanced at the backseat. The Flash sat on the passenger's side, a smirk painted across his face. You dove at him, claws protruding from your hand.

Unfortunately, you weren't fast enough because you were now standing outside of the car, in a pair of handcuffs.

The Flash chuckled cockily. "Looks like you've been caught."

You rolled your eyes, what a real charmer.

"So tell me, what's your powers?" He asked. You looked away, staying silent. You refused to give him the satisfaction. But even more, You were disappointed that you had gotten caught when there were still more families to be helped.

The Flash grabbed a hold of you and zoomed you to a different building. You didn't know where though, everything moved too fast for you to comprehend.

He walked you through the building, finally coming to a stop in front of a large group of people. You eyed them curiously, especially the tall one with brunette hair.

A short man with curly hair rubbed his hands excitedly. "Oh man, this is so exciting. I love meeting new Metas," he said. You rolled your eyes.

"What's your power?" He asked. Seriously?, you thought. What was up with these people today? You decided that since they'd already captured you, there was no point in lying.

"Animal Mimicry," you replied. The tall brunette laughed.

"No way. Barry did you hear that?!" He yelled, glancing at The Flash. You smirked. Way to blow your friend's cover there buddy. The Flash face palmed.

"Thanks Ralph..." He mumbled.

"Well this has been fun," you said, looking around at the group. "But I really should get going."

You turned to leave, figuring you'd find a way out of the handcuffs somehow. Unfortunately, The Flash blocked your path.



You glared at him. If you didn't have these handcuffs on you would have already punched him in the face and been out of there.

"Look if I promise I won't steal again will you let me go?" You tried. The Flash chuckled.

"Not a chance," he said before grabbing your cuffed hands and leading you down a hallway. Finally, the two of you reached a cell. You rolled your eyes. Of course they planned to lock you up, why wouldn't they?

Despite some struggle, The Flash was able to push you into the cell and lock the door. He turned to leave.

"Wait!-" You called. He stopped abruptly and glanced back at you.

"Will you at least show me who you are...Barry," you said. The Flash looked away before turning away and walking towards your cell.

"I'm not that stupid," he said. "Why would I let a criminal know my identity?"

You rolled your eyes. "Because this criminal is locked in a cell with no way out. You might as well tell me because even if I break out I'll still be able to find out who you are...I mean there can't be that many Barrys in this town," you pointed out. He narrowed his eyes at you but reluctantly took off his mask.

You felt a pit growing in your stomach as you stared at the man. He had a boyish charm to him, one that you unfortunately found cute. You were at a loss for words at you stared at him. He raised his eyebrows.

"Something wrong?"

You gulped and tried to play it cool. "Nope, not at all...Barry," you said. He smirked before turning to walk away.

"Come on, you're really going to leave me down here? I can help you, you know?" You called, but it was no use, he had already turned the corner and probably wasn't listening. You slumped down into your cell. This was hell, you thought. You'd much rather be serving time elsewhere, I mean your crime wasn't even that severe.

You closed your eyes, figuring there was no use in screaming or fighting to get out, they'd just leave you down there to rot.
You awoke to the sound of someone tapping on the glass. You looked up to see Barry standing outside the glass, looking down on you. He was wearing his Flash suit but had no mask on.

You shot up, moving to your feet. Barry chuckled.

"Morning...Sorry, I didn't quite catch your name," he trailed on. You shrugged.

"That's because I didn't throw it," you said. Barry smiled. "Y/N."

"Y/N?...That's a pretty name," he said. You bit your lip finding him unnervingly cute.

"For a pretty face," he finished. Your mouth dropped open. You hadn't expected him to be so...well forward.

"Do you always talk to your prisoners like this?" You joked playfully, stepping closer to the glass. Barry leaned his arm on the top of the door, his face only inches from the glass.

"Only the attractive ones," he said. You smirked.

"Oh so you think I'm attractive?" You asked, dropping your voice to a low grumble. You desperately wished to be on the other side of the glass, but knew that was impossible, he probably wouldn't let you out, so there was no point in trying.

Still, you kept up your seductive act in hopes it would bring something good.

Barry shrugged, but held his gaze.

"That suit makes you confident Barry. I'm not gonna lie but I assumed you'd be a little more closed off," you admitted. He laughed.

"I guess so, would you like me to change?"

You bit your lip and shook your head. "No, I like this Barry." He smirked.

Suddenly shouting voices could be heard from the hallway. Barry turned his head towards them before looking back at you.

"Guess I should get back to work," he whispered.

You could hear the disappointment in his voice.

You smirked. "Go on then hero, but don't forget to come back and visit me, we have unfinished business," you said. Barry chuckled softly.

"I look forward to it."

He turned to leave. As he walked away, your eyes trailed down his suit. You caught yourself. What were you doing? You couldn't catch feelings, you were stuck in this cell for God's sake, it was pointless.

You smiled to yourself and looked at your feet. Still, it was nice to daydream, it would give you something to do in this hell hole.

"Until next time Barry..." you mumbled before sitting back down on the floor and closing your eyes.

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