Flower head-Cisco Ramon

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Imagine you and your best friend Cisco decide to go to the local flower garden to let off some steam. Both of you are excited, especially you because you absolutely love flowers.

You slipped on your last boot as you hobbled over to the door where someone was knocking non-stop. You flung the door open, revealing your dorky best friend.

"You may enter Cisco," you said, bowing jokingly as if he were royalty.

"Hmm, seems that this place  isn't as clean as I would have liked to see it," Cisco said shaking his head as he walked into your place. You rolled your eyes.

"I've been busy so I haven't had the time to clean," you said. Cisco looked over at you.

"Crying over A Dog's Purpose after you watch it five times a day does not count as being busy Y/N," Cisco remarked. You stuck your tongue out at him as you walked passed him to the coffee table. You reached down and grabbed your car keys before turning back to Cisco. 

"Ready to go before you insult me further?" you asked, a smirk plastered on your face.

"Sure," he said smiling. 

----Time Skip----

You and Cisco sat in your car, driving slowly behind a line of cars that refused to move. 

"Seriously! Just drive, who is causing this pile up?!" you yelled. Cisco looked over at you and chuckled.

"Why Y/N? Are you going to get out of the car and fight them or something?" Cisco asked smirking. You looked over at him, your expression unchanged. Cisco pouted.

"Awe, is the little Y/N grumpy?" he asked, poking your shoulder. You turned away from him and back to the road. 

"Come on, just one little smile is all I ask for. Come on demon Y/N, bring back my best friend who always laughs at my jokes," Cisco pleaded, poking your shoulder again. You tried your best to ignore him as he continued to poke you, but in the end, you couldn't help but laugh at him. 

"There it is!" Cisco exclaimed, as you slowly began to smile. You looked over at him and pouted.

"You hurt my shoulder," you joked. 

"Sorry Y/N, I had to get the demon out..." Cisco said. You smiled at him.

"Thanks for that."

"No problem," he said before gasping. "Maybe I should become an exorcist. I mean instead of forcing the demon out with rituals I can make them happy until they hate it so much they have to leave," Cisco said. You shook your head.

"Maybe just stick to your current job," You said turning back to the road. 

"Hey!" Cisco said, the both of you soon laughing. 

----Time Skip----

You and Cisco climbed out of the car, dusting your clothes off from the pop tarts you found in the glove compartment while you were stuck in traffic. You turned towards Cisco and smiled before making your way towards him. You wrapped your hands around his bicep and looked out towards the rows of flowers that lined the bright green grass in the garden. 

"Ready to go?" you asked turning towards Cisco. A smiled spread across Cisco's face.

"Of course, let's go," he said, leading you towards the first flowers you saw, lilies. The two of you raced into the flowers, the bees buzzing around you angrily as you knocked into the flowers, making them sway. 

You giggled as Cisco spun around in the flowers, careless of the buzzing bees. While Cisco wasn't looking, you reached down and plucked a few flowers from the grass. You pursed you lips and made your way over to a dizzy Cisco.

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