Karaoke Night-Julian Alberts

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Before this story begins I would like to note that this is a request from @kayla_cruz2019 I hope you enjoy! Also, the two videos at the top are the songs that will be sung by Y/N in the chapter.

Imagine you and the others from S.T.A.R. Labs go out to have some fun after a rough week. After hitting up a bar and then Big Belly Burgers, you jokingly suggest the group go to a karaoke bar, but what you didn't expect was that they'd actually agree.

You walk behind the group, your recent boyfriend, Julian walking next to you, hands pressed into his pockets as he searches the sky for something to talk about.

You let out a breathy sigh as you watch your friends joke around and chuckle at the thought of going to a karaoke bar. You didn't really expect them to want to go so now you're oddly anxious. The thing is, no one here knows you can sing and you'd like to keep it that way because you weren't very fond of drawing unnecessary attention to yourself.

Julian must have sensed your anxiety because he reached over and took a hold of your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Everything alright love?" He asked, searching your face for an answer. You moved your gaze to meet his and gave a slight shrug before putting on a smile.

"Perfect," you breathed out. Julian continued to eye you oddly, not buying your story. Your smile faltered.

"Okay fine, so I'm a little nervous. I didn't think we'd actually go to the karaoke bar," you said. Julian raised an eyebrow at you.

"You don't have to sing if you don't want to, you know? Even if the others try and pressure you, I'll stand up for you," he said. You smirked.

"So brave, are you sure your name isn't Prince Charming?" You joked. Julian smiled and moved closer to you.

"Cold out here isn't it?" He asked. You giggled, knowing he just wanted to stand closer to you.

As you grew closer to the bar, your group grew louder and began practically running into the bar, but still you were nervous.

You entered the joint, inhaling the familiar scent of coffee and lavender. You smiled for a second before your memories of this place were interrupted by the shouting of someone. You flicked your eyes to the person responsible, only to find the one person you wished wasn't here—the owner of the place and good friend of your family, who also happened to let you sing here when you were a teenager--Sonja.

You sighed as you saw your friends and Julian turn to you in confusion. You grimaced and waved at the woman, who eagerly fought her way over to you.

"Y/N! Have you come to gift us with a song tonight? It's been too long since I've heard you sing," she exclaimed.

"I didn't know you sang," Cisco commented. The woman spun around to him, a big grin on her face. She proceeded to lead your group to an open table where she told them about your time in this karaoke bar. You grimaced at every little detail being that when you say here, you were in your adolescence and something about that made the whole idea seemed childish, yet you couldn't deny the amazing memories that you made when you sang here.

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