Allyson (Allyson Mayfair ft You)

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I was at a party, a party in which I knew no one, even the party thrower well unless their name was Ally who owned the butchery on main then I knew of them. How did I end up here? simple, it was because of her. I snuck in saying I was her personal assistant and just forgot to put my name on the list, surprisingly that worked. I lied just to be with her because I thought it was kind of awesome and clever, also I wouldn't want this opportunity get wasted. Now here I am, in a sea of people who I had no idea who they were, grinding themselves upon each other, heads were bobbing with the beat.

The first time I saw her was at school. I was friends with her son, Oz. My sister was Oz's teacher and every afternoon I visit them at school. I had no clue if she knew me already but if she did then that would be a delight because we hadn't had any formal introduction to each other.

"Hey, want some drinks?" A masculine voice offered at me, I ignored it, acting as if I didn't hear anyone. I was about to walk away when I felt a strong grasp on my forearm. His hand was cold and I knew the very moment he would release me it would leave a mark. I was too sensitive which I wasn't really grateful for.

"Bitch who are you to act as if you didn't hear me." His voice was strong enough to steal all the air in my lungs, I stopped breathing for a second, my heart rate was slowing down.

"You're coming with me whether you l-" He was about to drag me to nowhere but then was stopped by someone.

"Get off my girl." That voice, it sounded very familiar. The delivery was soft yet it was still demanding and strong. Was she...

"Just do it, you wouldn't like what I could do to you, asshole." It was Allyson in a feminine tux. She just called me "her girl" which of course made me blush hard. He released me and pushed me away toward Ally and I almost kissed the ground but she caught me just in time.

"Hey, don't worry. I got you" She assured me. "Had seen it coming. He had been staring at you for quite sometime. That's why I decided to linger around you."

"T-thank...y-you" I uttered, stunned with what just happened to me. "You must be petrified, honey. Let's get you in a safe place." She said while keeping her arm around my shoulder, pulling closer to her. Her warmth and presence was enough to make me feel safe. Damn what would I do without her.

"Allyson, where you going lady?"

"Amanda, hey. Home I guess. Oz would feel terrified when he eventually woke up and found out I wasn't there though he has his nanny there." Ally said still keeping me close. I felt butterflies swirling in my stomach, as per usual I would see her.

"Who this?"

"Oh she's (y/n) a close friend of mine, she came here with me and now we're going home. Thank you for having us here, Amanda."

"Anytime, Ally. By the way the food was great thank you and please drive safe."

"Thank you, talk to you tomorrow!" They bid each other goodnight with a peck on each other's cheeks. I wondered how soft Ally's was.

I wanted to thank her for saving from the monkey but u hadn't had the guts to tell her that right now. I felt like whatever would come out of my mouth would just embarrass me from the lady of my dreams.

I was so preoccupied by the situation, Ally's arm was around my waist as we walked to her car, keeping me close to her. A man was about to approach us on the opposite way holding a glass in hand I didn't know what was happening until my back slammed to the nearest wall. I looked at Ally who was staring at me intently, it felt uncomfortable but at the same time running away didn't pass through my mind. My eyes scanned the surrounding and the man seemed to be shaken up and that was when I heard Ally whispered.

"We're going to make out okay?" I wasn't given the chance to blurt out my answer, her plump lips just invaded my lips and I couldn't help but to close my eyes and savor those luscious lips. It was soft at first, then she started moving her lips and titling her head, I did the same thing and my hands just made their way to her neck, pulling her closer. I was enjoying it,I could tell she was too until she pulled away and looked at me with so much meaning in those brown eyes.

Ally looked at the man who -in my surprise was still standing there with wide eyes.

"Oh, Pete. Hi, I didn't know you were there." Yeah right Ally, you saw him coming at you. The man shied his eyes from Ally and was about to say something but decided to strode off. Poor him. And oh, I just get it that maybe Ally kissed me for him to fuck off.

"We're now even, I saved you and you saved me." She chuckled and I let out an awkward laugh. She pulled me closer again and by this time her lips touched my cheek. "I've been eyeing you for weeks, every time I would fetch Oz from school." She confessed and that made my face red as tomato, couldn't help but to blush like a school girl.

"Oz, has already told me a lot about you. How good you are to everyone especially him." I beamed at her. Well I thought I was being so discreet with my actions turned out I really wasn't. I blurt too much about her to her son.

"You raised a good kid, it's not hard to love him."

"oh, so you love my son already." I nodded at her and bit my lip

"Hmm it's still quite early, can I take you for a drink or something?" She said gazing down on her wrist watch. Was she being real?

"Y-yeah. Sure." I said, stammering but not hesitating.

"I finally am hanging out with you, thought you'd ask me while we were inside. And hey, I knew how you got in." With that my face turned bright red even more.

"Hey, it's okay. Stop being nervous, say something."

"Well, I really wanted to see you so...I took the opportunity and here I am now by your side and my lips are still hot from the make out session." Fuck. I face palmed, shit I sounded like an idiot.

"You're cute." We stopped right in front of her car. She opened the passenger seat in front and gestured me to climb in. Wow, a gentlewoman.

"I'm taking you away tonight, baby." She winked at me and started the engine. My hands were sweating in a good way, stomach was being twisted with excitement. I hadn't had this feeling before just with Ally. I also hand't been with a woman either man, just her.

One hand was maneuvering the steering wheel while her other hand...well was holding my hand and when we came to the red light she looked at me and smile.

"I'm gonna take care of you, promise. So seat back and relax, honey."

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