Sweet Love (L.Winters & Dr. E. Staple ft You)

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             It had been almost half a year now since you became Dr. Ellie staple's personal assistant, with loaded schedule and busy errands the woman couldn't handle figuring things out herself. That was when your former employer recommended you to Ellie.

You came rushing to her house when she asked for your presence, you thought it was going to be an interview of sort, so you wore your best clothes, neatly placed your resume in a folder and presented yourself there 5 minutes earlier wanting to have a good impression on the woman.

Ellie didn't even went through the papers like what you expected instead of the old fashioned way to check the qualification, she had given you a task - which surprised you. After a week that was when she declared that you indeed got the job and was very glad and satisfied with how you worked, nothing went out of the line or got jumbled up. Ellie was the busiest woman so she couldn't afford having troubles with her schedules and works. You did your responsibilities without even the slightest error to it.

On the way to Briarcliff where Dr. Staple was requested to treat a special patient, you sat nervously at the backseat of this luxurious car owned by your boss. Ellie sat with you at the back with her knee over the other, unfazed of the stormy weather and thunder claps. Her eyes went over and over again to the picture attached to the file she had in her hands.

You noticed how her tongue drew out to wet those dried lips and how she bit them unknowingly just like a habit. Your mind couldn't help but wonder why on earth Ellie accepted the request to treat this patient perfectly knowing that she could be at risk by the moment she stepped a foot inside the premises of this lifeless institution. There were rumors that few female psychiatrists went missing over the past three months after attending Briarcliff and this terrified you to death.

Although yes this patient intrigued you, you weren't able to sleep through the night thinking how special this person must be. Days prior, Ellie was the one who personally talked to them and took care of the files by herself, you didn't even catch a glimpse over the papers all you knew that it was a she. At least that single information you got was somewhat comforting knowing it wouldn't be another maniac just like the last one she had.

Ellie glanced at you, you were unable to turn your head away and drift your eyes away from her. Stuck at the moment, all you could do was admire her sublime features. From time to time little affectionate actions were shown, the deal between you two was unknown. Sometimes Ellie would be the one initiating flirty talks then you would be the first one to do some basic moves like "accidentally" brushing of your hands against hers, placing your hand on her knees or whatever physical contact.

The chemistry wouldn't be denied, there was such a strong bond between the two of you but since Ellie's work demanded more time and attention this part would always remained at the back corner of her head.

I wonder what's going on in her head right now - you thought to yourself as you took a quick scan up and down. She looked so sophisticated. Ellie's movements were so unexpected, swiftly her hand cupped you cheek and aiming to lean forward but then the car came into a full stop, you cursed under your breath, such a bad timing.

Ellie released your cheek and fixed the files into the folder. You looked through the heavy tinted car window and saw some nuns in the doorway with pleased smiles on their faces. At least the nuns looks nice the thought was cut off when Sister Jude came into view. You gulped down hard, Sister Jude looked like one of those superior nuns that would cane you until you repent for your sins and promised not to do it again.

Suddenly your hand gripped Ellie's wrist, your eyes were shimmering with fret and Ellie read right through your eyes - She was a psychiatrist after all, it was her duty to get into people's head and help them from whatever troubles they had. "There should be no room for fear, (y/n). As long as I am here, you're safe." the sweet coating of her voice toned down the panic in your chest.

You trusted her very much and you wanted to show it so you only nodded timidly and released her wrist. When the driver got off the car Ellie placed a soft peck on your lips which took you off guard. Just on cue, the door on Ellie's side was opened by the driver and she stepped out, her black heels kissing the ground.

Later on you were being assisted by a nun who was going with the name of Sister Mary Eunice – a blue eyed angel with the sweetest smile and dimples. Dr. Staple kept you close to her as much as your body required it, her touch just simply calmed you down. Eyes were prying at the both of you especially Sister Jude's but the psychiatrist was placid, she could never be troubled that easy with those eyes.

"This way Mrs. Staple." The old nun directed her with hand inside the semi-decent room with just a table that was covered in dust accompanied with a single chair that looked like it would broke the moment somebody sat on it. "Thank you, and it's Ms not Mrs." Staple replied in the most arrogant tone, displeasing the old uptight nun. She knew she could not turn on her, Staple was a very well know woman and most importantly, she was powerful, her driver-bodyguard was waiting outside the very door of the room, ready to white knuckle  anyone that would attack the woman.

"Ms. Winters would be joining you shortly, please enjoy your stay." That of course would be so impossible. How could anyone enjoy spending time in this filthy place? Unless you are psycho who's seeing much potential in this place then you would. If it wasn't for Lana Winters, Dr. Ellie Staple wouldn't set a foot in this asylum.

Once the two of you were left alone, you let yourself breathe in deep and exhaled – almost emptying your lungs. Staple's hand gave your shoulder a light squeezed and her eyes were consulting you, "I'm fine." You answered, but you didn't look like you were. You were so tensed. She brought your body up against her own, hand was cupping the back of your head and guiding it to her chest.

Those lips of hers were wanting to distract you for the mean time, wanting to give you something to focus on but the unlocked door burst open. Your face turned white in shock and hands were ready to push away the woman but Staple didn't retract from your body – not even an inch. Good thing it was only Lana Winters.

Dark brown eyes from patient met the brightest shade of brown that belonged to the psychiatrist. "Ellie?" She cried out the name, seeking confirmation from the other woman. Her bruised lips were quivering, salty tears were brimming her eyes and threatening to fall down. Her hair looked so thick and icky which hadn't been washed for almost four days now. A fresh wound on her forehead caught the woman's attention – those eyes ran down the woman's face noticing how those dark eye bags stole the life of those once ambitious eyes.

Her skin looked unhealthy – with the foods in that place you were guaranteed you wouldn't have a full stomach. Sometimes patients lasted a week without eating and they only drank water. Cheekbones were more prominent now and hallow cheeks.

This place had stolen a lot from her but the only last thing she was holding on to was her sanity, she couldn't lose it. Not in this place. "Lana." And with that being said, Lana's feet moved forward, thank God her knees hadn't given up yet. You excused yourself from Ellie's grip and stepped aside, watching them .

"What have they done to you?" Lana sobbed as she launched herself forward, her body meeting the other woman's. Ellie embraced the woman's frail body. You closed the door to make sure no snitch could pry on.

"You shouldn't have come, Thredson – he'd kill you."

"No one's taking me Lana and no one can ever hurt you again. I'm sorry, I should have known sooner...how'd you get here? Where's Wendy, why didn't she –"

"She's dead."

𝐏𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒♡ ✔Where stories live. Discover now