Sweet Love (final part)

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"She needs immediate treatment."

Hands slammed over the table. Her firm voice matched with her unshaken confidence quite made Sister Jude's blood to ran cold in her veins. She stared at her and Dr. Staple wasn't even blinking. Sister Jude composed herself, she stuttered a bit but found her voice in no time.

"We can arrange that here, Ms. Staple."

Dr. Staple cocked her brow, a teasing smirk flaunted on her lips. She scanned the room with a disgusted looked on her face, the tip pf her index finer ran over the dusted surface of the table before clicking her tongue.

"Not here, no. There's no room for change and improvement in an environment like this. Ms Winters can't go on with the therapy being prisoned in this place and she would need it often than one visit per week. I need to keep an eye on her, make sure there's progress. Now tell me, how could I do that if she's stuck here. With all these people, how could she live normally in a place like this, huh? You see people like Ms. Winters has the highest possibility to be cured outside this facility not inside – that would be the biggest mistake of treating a patient with the sickness she was diagnosed with. She has to be out – in the real world if you may."

She sounded so venomous and it wildly turned you on, you gulped down hard trying to keep your shit intact.

"We can't approve your request. Dr. Staple, this is outrageous."

The old nun declined, Ellie's dark humour was resurfacing again, she laughed in a fake manner before leaning closer and looking intensely in Jude's eyes.

"I am not requesting, Sister Jude. I'm informing you that I would take her out of your hands. She's my patient now, we signed the papers as a symbol of legality. You can't oppose to anything I would say that concerns Ms. Winters. She's mine to deal with, not yours anymore. If you can't accept that then I would have to call a Lawyer and maybe inform Mother Superior about this who I have spoken to before travelling four hours just to get here. And may I remind you, I was summoned here by the request of Mother Superior. So technically, you're stepping way out of your line, Sister Jude."

𝐏𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒♡ ✔Where stories live. Discover now